
2014-08-03 11:10 pm
1.多謝你成為$100呀 先生/ 小姐

2. 收你 $500

3. 請問想要邊款雪糕口味

4. 要唔要試其他口味


回答 (3)

2014-08-04 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.多謝你, 盛惠$100呀 先生/ 小姐

Thank you Sir/Miss, it'll be $100. (it costs $100)

2. 收你 $500

That is a 500 dollar bill. (you are giving me a $500 bill)

3. 請問想要邊款雪糕口味

Which flavour of the ice cream do you want?

4. 要唔要試其他口味

Would you like to try other flavours?
2014-08-04 3:28 am
1 become $ 100 ah thank you Mr / Ms

2. charge you $ 500

3 Will want ice cream flavors SIDE

4 Well want to try other flavors
2014-08-04 2:17 am
(1)Thank you for $100, Sir/Madam.(2)Received your $500.
(3)Which ice cream pleasant flavours do you want ?
(4)Want to choose from other popular flavours?

2014-08-11 07:31:47 補充:
Here's the change; 15 dollars and 80 cents.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:04:17
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