to for 用法分別

2014-08-03 7:48 pm
好像 give it to me 那樣
you wait for me

但orders 這詞為甚麼用for
he orders for me 命令不是要兩個人做嗎 要有被命令的人不是嗎?

回答 (6)

2014-08-06 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

姐係只要有將一樣嘢從一方(一個人)拎俾 or 傳俾另一方(另一個人) 嘅,就用 to。





1.give [一樣嘢] to 人
* 將「一樣嘢」拎俾「人」

2. bring [一樣嘢] to 人
* 帶「一樣嘢」俾「人」

3. lend [一樣嘢] to 人
* 將「一樣嘢」借給「人」

4. send [一樣嘢] to 人
* 將「一樣嘢」拎俾「人」

5. show [一樣嘢] to 人
* 將「一樣嘢」拎俾「人」睇;
* Show「一樣嘢」俾「人」看

6. sing 歌 to 人
* 唱「歌」俾「人」聽

7. write 信 to 人
* 將「信」寄俾「人」



1. bring「一樣嘢」for 人
* 為咗「一個人」而將「一樣嘢」帶黎
──可以睇吓上述的 to 的用法,係有唔同嘅。

2. buy「一樣嘢」 for 人
* 為咗「一個人」而買「一樣嘢」

3.sing 歌 for 人
* 為咗「一個人」而唱「歌」
──可以睇吓上述的 to 的用法,係有唔同嘅。

4. write 物 for 人
* 為咗「一個人」而寫「一樣嘢」
(寫「一樣嘢」 係為咗另外一個人而做)
──可以睇吓上述的 to 的用法,係有唔同嘅。


give 後面嘅兩個受詞(Object),如果都係「人稱代名詞」(Personal Pronouns)嘅時候,則表示「果一樣嘢」 嘅「人稱代名詞」要擺係前面:

1. Mr. Chung gave them to me.
* them 是「果一樣嘢」的「人稱代名詞」,所以擺係 me 嘅前面

2. Mary gives it to her.
* it 是「果一樣嘢」的「人稱代名詞」,所以擺係 her 嘅前面。

希望你明啦: )
參考: 好耐之前唔知係邊抄嘅Notes
2014-08-04 10:37 am
The doctor ordered her patient to take a day's rest.

不知道香港有那位醫生握有權力可以 order "命令" 病人休息一天?
醫生只能 advise, 勸告, 建議, 提意見, 甚至 warning 警告
聽了後, 做不做, 病人有自由選擇

這不是 grammar 問題
TOMING88 喜歡說什麼便說什麼.
但是醫生有 Code of Medical Ethics 跟隨, 不能亂說

2014-08-04 03:11:42 補充:
有一個 term,

doctor's orders = doctor's instructions 醫生的吩咐
orders (plural) 在這裡, 是 noun, 不是 verb

order (verb) = 命令,定購, 點菜, 整理

You have to know the difference.

2014-08-04 04:50:38 補充:
在醫院, 監獄, 軍隊, 醫生有權力可以命令病人
order (verb) = prescribe 指示, 規定, 命令
The doctor ordered a strict diet for that patient in Ward 5.
住醫院病人, 囚犯, 軍隊士兵受到控制, 全要聽醫生 orders

TOMING88, 引用你自己的句,
“Take time to order your thoughts before you” (answer any question).
~ 不單是我個人意見

2014-08-05 04:35:45 補充:
“我老師教當那個動詞需要兩個人才能完成用to” ~ 錯
What have you done TO your hair? 一個人

“而個人就能完成用for” ~ 錯
Doctors are fighting FOR his life. 多過一個醫生

“to” 和 ”for“ 在這裡作 preposition, 不理多少人

He orders (命令) me to help him.
“to“ 不是 preposition, 是 infinitive marker.

He orders (定購, 點菜) for me.
2014-08-04 1:49 am
She is always kind to animals.A danger to one's health.

I have been here for weeks. I have been here since 1 pm.

The doctor ordered me to rest for a day.The doctor ordered her patient to take a day's rest.---The general ordered me to advance.The general ordered an attack.---He ordered that the men should fired the guns---Direct, instruct, tell and ask are similar to order but not as strong.--If you make any more noise, I shall order you out of the classroom.----Take time to order your thoughts before you write the Essay---this essay.
2014-08-04 1:09 am
The sentence has different interpretations dependings on the contex.

It may mean "He orders (something, eg. food,) for me."
2014-08-03 11:12 pm
"to"通常係用嚟形容單向嘅動作 (e.g. She gives a book to me.)
"for"通常係用嚟形容為咗一樣嘢而作出嘅動作 (e.g. The brave soldier dies for his country.)
而你所指嘅order, 我認為用"to"較好, 因為係一個單向嘅動作, 常用嘅句式係 (someone) order (someone) to (do) (something)
Hoping that my suggestions can help you solve your problem ! : )
2014-08-03 9:03 pm
我認為 你要看清楚 前文後理。

He orders (the cake) for me.

He orders me to help him.

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