What does it mean when a guy gives a "the look" and deep gaze? What should I do if I am also interested?

2014-08-02 7:19 pm
I met a guy several months ago and he's a foreign student at my school. We knew each other because we were in the same group once. But we were just acquaintance. There were several times that I noticed him stared at me. But when I looked at him, he quickly turned his head away and felt embarrassed.

3 months ago, that was the last class and I walked past him. He spot me from afar and i noticed that he was so excited to see me. Then, we locked eyes on each other and smiled at each other. He looked so deep into my eyes and I could see that his pupil dilated. I could tell from his expression that he adored and wanted me at that moment. I have never been stared by a guy like this before. It felt so amazing.

But the problem is I was in a relationship at that time so i didn't approach him and initiate a conversation.

Now I am single and not engaged in any relationship. But he has left my city and gone back to his home country. I find that I still cannot forget him.

Do u think is it awkward and creepy to add him on facebook and talk to him? Is it too late to do so now? I am afraid that he has already forgotten about me.

But I really miss him. I don't want to sound creepy.

回答 (1)

2014-08-02 7:24 pm
noo, i dont think its awkward or creepy to add\talk to him on facebook. i mean after all from what you said, its seems like you guys lowkey had a thing for each other. It might be hard to make this thing work since he left your city and went back to his country. from what i see you have two choices.
1. add him on facebook, talk, and if things go great, you might have a chance of a long distance. (thats if he really likes you)
2. forget about him. he lives in another country.
i mean relationships are meant for marriage. not sure how old you are but could you see a future with him? haha your choice. but tbh for me, i wouldnt do it bc i woudl think its tooo late

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