Spanish or German?

2014-08-02 11:13 am
I know Mandarin Chinese, (Cantonese) and English and am planning to pick up a third language.

I have been self learning Spanish for quite a while now and I know the basics. The reason I pick it up at the first place is that it is widely spoken, and is relatively easy compared to other languages. It is also very similar to Italian, and helps me to learn French if I get a chance to learn it in the future.

German on the other hand interests me a lot more because of its culture. I know German people are generally good at conversing in English, so it might not be as useful when it comes to speaking. It is its culture that makes me want to learn German the most. Some say it will come in handy in the fields of technology/commerce/science etc.

I will be staying in Europe for the next few years and it is least likely that I will spend much time in the U.S.. So should i learn Spanish or German?

回答 (7)

2014-08-02 12:50 pm
I know Spanish and I'm currently learning German. German would definitely be more useful although Spanish is easier to learn. Also useful for business. But most Germans do learn English in school, so conversing with them shouldn't be too difficult if you know English. But I would say, that if you're staying in Europe for the next few years, Germans the way to go
2014-08-02 6:19 pm
Germany is Europe's largest economy and the most spoken language natively in the continent, so you will see many German speakers in northern Europe, Spanish is not that useful, German, French, Russian are and to a lesser extent Italian.
2014-08-02 4:57 pm
Español = Segunda lengua más hablada del mundo ^^
2014-08-02 11:37 am
German is only spoken in three countries which are located right next to each other and in which English is a required second language in school.
Spanish is spoken in most of South America and is very useful to know even in parts of the US.
2014-08-02 11:25 am
Spanish is useless in europe.
Nobody outside of spain will speak it.
btw. german is the most spoken language in the EU.
2014-08-03 9:52 am
2014-08-02 11:32 am
German is similar to English but the grammar can be very hard.
Spanish is a fairly easy language to learn and is similar to French and Italian.
Too be honest if you speak English then you have a 'fast pass' to most countries. As you said, a lot of Germans speak English because they learn it at school so I wonder how useful it would be.

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