wall street english 拒絕退學!求救!!

2014-08-03 6:58 am
我準備要去外地升學,要去6 -7年時間,但wall street english拒絕左我既退學。。有咩辦法可以要求距地退錢同退學??求救!!

回答 (3)

2014-08-03 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is not compulsory education. Of course you can simply stop attending.

However, since you have signed an agreement, and Wall Street English is a business, it will have to be done by the terms of the agreement.

In order words, the following will happen:

1. If you haven't paid your course in full, Wall Street English has the right to ask you for full payment;

2. Your entire amount will be forfeited.
2014-08-08 6:00 am
Go check carefully the contract signed with WallStreet. Pay very close attention to the term of "withdrawal", you may or may not need to pay the remaining fee.
2014-08-03 8:54 pm
Wall street一向都不太好了了,我聽我的朋友說,很多情況都不會讓人退學的!

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