中文翻譯英文 不要網頁電腦翻譯 感謝x1000

2014-08-03 6:13 am
中文翻譯英文 不要網頁電腦翻譯 感謝x1000


回答 (2)

2014-08-03 12:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

It is obvious that there are new progress shown by the instrument at present, whether its normal function was due to application of coolant ?
Regarding two websites which were previously given by you, I had tried to contact them but failed. Also, I have just emailed them and if there were no reply then would you be kind enough to buy the coolant for me instead; and I'll repay to you. In addition, I would like to ask what is its cost and how long can it be preserved.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-08-03 9:58 am
我這個系google 翻譯= =。。。。你信ge話可以用(我不太信任)

Now, with the new progress, the instrument displays:
Such instruments are now able to show whether there is coolant normal use?
You gave me two pages I have contacted them before too but did not get a reply
, Has just been re-issued e-mail contact, if you still do not respond can I help my behalf to buy and then pay back money to you,
Also ask to know about the price and the deadline will be stored in it?
參考: 我自己和google

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