Analytical chemistry

2014-08-02 8:22 pm
For each of the following pairs of substances ,suggest a chemical test to distinguish one substance from the other and state expected observations.
----Ammonium chloride and potassium chloride

Problem solving
4 labels have come off four reagent bottles
Pb(NO3)2, ZnCl2,Mg(NO3)2,NaCl
Describe the tests that you would do to identify which bottle contained which substabce.State also your expected observations.

回答 (5)

2014-08-02 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Add separately each of the two substances to dilute sodium hydroxide solution in a test tube. Warm each mixture.
Ammonium chloride : A colourless gas is given off which turns moist red litmus paper to blue.
Potassium chloride : No observable change.

If the substances are in solid state, dissolve separately each of the four substances in distilled water to give a solution.

Put separately 2 cm³ of each of the four solutions in a test tube, and add dilute sodium sulphate solution.
Only Pb(NO3)2 solutions gives a white precipitate.
The other three solutions give no observable change.

Put separately 2 cm³ of each of the rest three solutions in a test tube, and add dilute sodium hydroxide solution, firstly dropwise and then in excess.
NaCl solution gives no observable change.
ZnCl­2 and Mg(NO3)2 solutions give white precipitates.
For ZnCl2 solution, the precipitate re-dissolves to give a colourless solution.
For Mg(NO3)2 solution, the precipitate remains unchanged when excess sodium hydroxide solution is added.
參考: 不用客氣
2015-03-02 8:56 pm
2014-08-03 9:21 pm
自然是physical test 了.
嚴格來說, flame test 確實是"no new substances are formed" : the flame turns solid compound into ions, followed by exciting them.
2014-08-03 2:31 am
hello uncle Michael
如果唔係chemical test,甘係一種咩test呢?

2014-08-03 13:58:50 補充:
thanks !己式庚辛
2014-08-02 10:40 pm
Flame test is NOT a chemical test.

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