
2014-08-02 7:29 pm
Find the sum in terms of n :
1 + 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)

Please delete the term 3^4, sorry.


To : Mr. Kwok. I know how to handle the '1 ' simply by adding it back to the sum of the rest of the terms, that is easy job, you don't have to worry, just work on the sum of the rest of the terms.

回答 (7)

2014-08-02 11:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 + 3^2 + 3^6 + ... + 3^(4n + 2)

= 1 + 9[1 + 3^4 + ... + 3^(4n)]

= 1 + 9[(3^(4n) - 1)/(3^4 - 1)]

= 1 + (9/80)[(3^(4n) - 1)]
2014-08-03 6:54 pm
Let S be the sum of 3^2 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)
S*3^4 = 3^6 + 3^10 + ........ + 3^(4n + 6)
Therefore, the difference is,
80S = 3^(4n + 6) - 3^2
ie. S = [3^(4n + 6) - 9]/80

So, the answer is
1 + [3^(4n + 6) - 9]/80
= [80 + 3^(4n + 6) - 9]/80
= [71 + 3^(4n + 6)]/80
2014-08-03 5:50 pm

Find the sum in terms of n :
1 + 3^2 + 3^6 + 3^10 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)

2014-08-03 09:58:51 補充:
如果題目是這樣,那 myisland8132 知識長的答案亦是錯的,他的答案的原題目應該是:

Find the sum in terms of n :
1 + 3^2 + 3^6 + 3^10 + ........ + 3^(4n - 2)
2014-08-02 11:11 pm

2014-08-02 15:13:25 補充:
回 少年時 老師 和 郭老師,最後那個 term 未必一定是指 general term。

2014-08-02 15:14:37 補充:
但發問者的補充發問又指出 "Please delete the term 3^4"

2014-08-02 10:56 pm
Let S be the sum, that is,
S = 1 + 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)
9S = 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + 3^8 + ........ + 3^(4n + 4)
The difference is
8S = 3^(4n + 4) - 1
Therefore, S = [3^(4n + 4) - 1]/8
ie. the sum is [3^(4n + 4) - 1]/8.

2014-08-02 17:02:27 補充:
貓sir 果然心細如絲。���� ����
2014-08-02 7:57 pm
Find the sum in terms of n :
1 + 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)

= 0 ?
2014-08-02 7:49 pm
1 + 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)

n = 0; (4n + 2) = 2

n= 1; (4n + 2) = 6

3^4 ???????

2014-08-02 11:50:09 補充:
3^4 ???????

n = 1/2


2014-08-02 14:47:07 補充:
1 + 3^2 + 3^4 + 3^6 + ........ + 3^(4n + 2)

3⁰ = 1

(4n + 2) = 0

4n = -2

n = -1/2

2014-08-02 15:09:59 補充:
多謝 少年時 出手幫助!


2014-08-02 21:32:16 補充:


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