What can I do with this degree?

2014-08-02 7:28 am
Combined major in statistics and computer science

回答 (3)

2014-08-02 12:56 pm
Programmer jobs, tester, java and what not
Or get an education masters and become a teacher
Pretty much any Entry level IT job, they only require a computer related degree

Good luck
參考: IT Student
2014-08-02 10:01 am
the question is - what can't you do with that degree ?

because that would be a lot easier to answer

statistics AND computer science ?
you can do so much with that
work anywhere on wall street, any financial firm, insurance firm, you could work programming digital slot machines for las vegas, write programs to decode fMRI data, program video games (the next expansion for World of Warcraft) and determine the rate of loot drops

statistics + CS is THE big thing right now

do a google search for data analytics



so many interesting opportunities

look at this course

you would know how to do that easily
2014-08-02 7:30 am
other than makeshift government jobs, too often, such specialized training allows the holder to ask: "Would you like fries with that?"

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