Why you girls hate me so much? I'm a intelligent, beautiful & gentlement good guy. Why no girls attracted to me? Cause I'm a virgin?

2014-08-01 7:54 am

回答 (10)

2014-08-01 8:07 am
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A friend of mine taught me this vicious circle:
assholes go to good girls -> assholes turn them into sluts -> sluts go to good guys -> turn them into assholes -> ...

I seriously hope it's fake, but for now I also haven't seen proof it isn't
2014-08-01 2:56 pm
IDK who you even are. I don't hate u.
2014-08-01 3:03 pm
you need to stop making elliot roger references. it's offenseive. a lot of my friends live in isla vista, and i was staying there the night that the shooting was originally supposed to happen, two doors down from where it occurred. i don't find this funny at all, and i actally find it offensive. a lot of my friends lost people that night. just because it's on the news and you don't have connection to it, doesn't mean that no one else does.
2014-08-02 11:31 am
As a girl im more intersted in virgins idk why but they attract me
Why r u saying that they hate u??
2014-08-01 5:32 pm
I'd go for a guy like you
2014-08-01 3:12 pm
U will find a great girl trust me
2014-08-01 3:06 pm
I'd go 4 a guy like u anyday! beats the one im with... 😑😕😂
2014-08-01 3:03 pm
Some girls are stupid. They always go for the wrong guy. Lots want a "bad boy" when really, the guys just using them. There are some sweet girls that go for personality and those are the good girls. It takes time to find someone out there thats right for you, but they are there. Try volunteering or helping out cause girls usually like that in a guy. You seem like a great guy, just keep looking for your princess, shes out there somewhere, I know it.
2014-08-01 2:58 pm
volunteer for a homeless shelter or Habitat for humanity. they always need helpers, and women find it sexy. go to dances at your church, they have a lot of singles activities, also go on a single cruise!
2014-08-01 2:57 pm
Let me tell you something, girls can just be real stupid sometimes. All they look for is the "bad boys". I totally agree with you, why do no girls really like me that much? Its just how girls are, but you will find someone for you, just be patient

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