Ladies, if you had to pick between one of these men who would it be?

2014-07-31 9:44 pm
Man A

A very macho man. Always wears a leather jacket, is about 6ft 2 with a very deep voice and clearly works out a lot. Has very macho opinions like real men don't cry, never back down from a fight, if someone's in danger help them even if it means putting your own life at risk etc. On the downside he is very secretive about his romantic sensitive side, he will only let it out around you and when he does he let's it out a lot but when around anyone else he acts like it doesn't even exist.

Man B

A very sensitive man. Always wears a plain t-shirt with a hoody, is about 5ft 8 with a somewhat deep voice and he considers a walk around the park a workout. He is terrified of confrontation and would much sooner call the police then step in and defend someone. If it's someone he cares about however he will step in but very nervously. He is definitely not afraid to cry and is very open about his sensitivity.

回答 (13)

2014-07-31 9:55 pm
Depends. Man A for fun, but man B would be a better long term relationship.
2014-07-31 9:52 pm
Male A, male B sounds like me in certain things I need someone the opposite of me specially when it comes to working out, I need someone to push me to do stuff. And he sounds perfect.
2014-07-31 9:48 pm
Man A.

I understand why he might think a sensitive side is embarrassing; it shows vulnerability. It is well understood. If he's cold to the rest of the world, it shouldn't matter as long as he's warm with me.
2014-07-31 9:52 pm
If I HAD to I would pick man A. We'd get along a lot more smoothly. Plus, I could have a workout buddy! And we could become a crime fighting duo and mug the muggers. Our catch phrase would be KILL ALL THE THINGS!
Guy B just sounds...too soft for me. I wouldn't want to hurt him. :(
2014-07-31 9:51 pm
I'm the man A but the muscular wok-out part must be replaced by dong whipper :P..add me to this list and lets see who the ladies go for hahahaha...
2014-07-31 9:51 pm
Man A. I can't be my partner's babysitter. Consoling is not at all my strong suit. To someone sensitive, I imagine I'd come off as cold. I have more in common with the first guy and admire his bravery.
2014-07-31 9:48 pm
A ;)
2014-07-31 9:48 pm
A. Don't want the man talking about that with his friends.
2014-07-31 9:46 pm
2014-07-31 9:46 pm
Man A..sounds like a male version of me, lol.

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