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2014-07-31 3:50 am
1` 請問Cryogen型號是什麼?我想再嘗試,希望可以解決到問題

2` 請問需使用什麼型號Cryogen運作?


回答 (6)

2014-07-31 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1` 請問Cryogen型號是什麼?我想再嘗試,希望可以解決到問題
What is the Model Number of Cryogen please? I want to try using it again hopefully to solve the problem.
2` 請問需使用什麼型號Cryogen運作?
What is the Model Number of Cryogen that needs to be used in the operation please?

2014-07-30 20:59:10 補充:
What is the Model Number of Cryogen please? I want to try using it again hopefully to solve the problem.--->
What is the Model Number of Cryogen please? I want to try again using it hopefully to solve the problem.
2014-07-31 4:31 pm
A cryogenic storage system=low temp. !
2014-07-31 12:07 pm
1` 請問Cryogen型號是什麼?我想再嘗試,希望可以解決到問題
Would you be kind enough to tell me which type of Cryogen? So that can answer the problem..

2` 請問需使用什麼型號Cryogen運作?
Would you be kind enough to tell me which type of Cryogen in operation?

參考: Myself
2014-07-31 9:44 am
1` 請問Cryogen(冷凍劑)型號是什麼?我想再嘗試,希望可以解決到問題

請問: would/could you please tell me ... (polite)
型號: model number
再嘗試: try again (intransitive, 嘗試; 試圖; 努力)
>>>注意分別: try something; try doing something (transitive, 試驗; 試用)
想: want to, will, would like to
希望可以解決到問題: hope (that) the problem can be solved (passive); hope to solve the problem (active); in the hope of solving the problem

Could you please tell me what the model number of the cryogen is? I would like to try again, in the hope of solving the problem.

2` 請問需使用什麼型號Cryogen運作?

需使用: have to use; need to use; require
什麼型號: which model (number); which type
運作: operate (transitive +object) or (intransitive +complement)
>> operate the engine; operate efficiently

Active voice:
Could you please tell me which model of the cryogen I need to use to operate effectively?

Passive voice: (better in this case)
Could you please tell me which model of the cryogen is required to operate the engine?

2014-07-31 01:56:06 補充:

Could you please tell me which model of the cryogen is required for the operation?

require (often passive): (按規定) 要求﹐需要

2014-07-31 02:11:54 補充:
邏輯問題 - "再"嘗試

If you have used "it" before but failed, now you want to try using "it" again. ("it" = the model you are asking for)

This is not logical as you should have known the model, otherwise you are absent-minded.
2014-07-31 8:24 am
1 `I ask what Cryogen model is? I would like to try, hoping to solve the problem

2 `Will need to use what type Cryogen work?
2014-07-31 7:28 am
1. I would like to ask what kind or which type of "cryogen"? I hope to solve the problem, so I will try again.

2. Please provide the type of "cryogen" that can be operated.

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