屋宇署入則一問 (20點)

2014-07-30 9:10 pm
背景/ 情況
本人經營一家護老院,近來申請續牌。經牌照部的屋宇督察循視過,發現入口外牆有改動。我被建議要1. 還原至原來的圖則,或2.申請屋宇署入則。否則牌照部不會發牌。我就想是申請入則屋宇署,因為不希望工程影響到護老院運作。

1. 如果入則,是不是代表我原來的門口不用改動,或者一定要先拆了再建造。換之言,僭建物可不可以先保留,再申請入則。

2. 我現在的入口外牆是向走廊外推,換言之是霸占了公家的位置。請問如果入則,屋宇署是否會接受。


回答 (3)

2014-08-01 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 先入則還原,然後再入則申請,即係入2次.任何冇入則既加建或改動都係僭建,記住係睇你有冇入則,而唔係睇岩唔岩規格,亦冇補番入則呢樣野,否則所有人都會有事先補番入.

2. 接受既機會,我想答係零.
2014-07-31 8:04 am
Thanks Gary.

Can I say that it is not a must that the existing layout is 100% in conformity with the approved plan. UBW can be tolerated, unless it is proven by a architect that not against the provision of MoE, BFA, fire construction safety etc.

2014-07-31 18:18:19 補充:
So what could I do right now? Do I have to reinstate to the layout per the approved plan. or, submit plan to Buildings Department?
2014-07-31 12:06 am
1. What it means is basically making illegal legal. Most of the unauthorized work have not been professionally reviewed. So basically you need a licensed architect to make sure that your unauthorized work is compliance.

It does not mean no change is needed, as if the structure can impact others, then modification will be needed.

2. It is the issue of the Land Department. So the answer is no.

2014-07-31 16:49:38 補充:
1. No - In Hong Kong, it is a must.

2. I assume you mean UBW can't be tolerated unless those, right?

2014-08-01 02:26:27 補充:
Up to you.

Usually restoring back to original costs less money (as you don't need an architect to tell you what to do).

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