
2014-07-30 9:37 am
Notice the people who are happy for your happiness,and sad for your sadness. They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart

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2014-07-30 10:09 pm
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中文意思"Notice"在這裡應是"treat (someone) as worthy of recognition or attention" (看重)的意思。

全文"Notice the people who are happy for your happiness,and sad for your sadness.They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart."的中文意思:

參考: 參考資料 freeonline dictionary
2014-08-03 2:04 pm
Notice the people who are happy for your happiness,and sad for your sadness. They're the ones who deserve special places in your heart.
由此看來,凡能了解你憂慮和喜樂的人, 他們必然值得你衷心的重視.
參考: 自己及字典
2014-07-31 7:33 am
留意一些會為你高興而高興或為你傷心而傷心的人, 他們就是你值得在心內留有特別位置的至愛。
2014-07-30 8:20 pm
在意一D因為你開心而開心的人, 因你傷心而唔開心既人。佢地先係個D值得你放係心上面既人!
參考: 自己
2014-07-30 3:48 pm
2014-07-30 11:56 am
有同理心 (empathy) 的人應該得到別人的喜愛和好評。

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