Does not paying utility bill hurt your credit?

2014-07-29 5:24 pm

回答 (8)

2014-07-29 5:30 pm
Without power and water, what is the point of worrying about credit?
2014-07-29 5:26 pm
Eventually, yes. While utilities do not normally report to the credit bureaus (so they don't help your credit), they do report past due bills an dif you go long enough, they will turn it over to a debt collector who will also report it to the credit bureau as a collections account.
2014-07-29 7:53 pm
Yes for the most part
2014-07-29 6:19 pm
eventually. trying to shave in the dark without hot water hurts even more, as you will likely soon discover.
2014-07-29 5:25 pm
I Have ok credit but my Energy bill is Fing me in the A. I found a deal online with another company . But if I Join them and not pay the cancellation fee and my last monthly payment will that hurt my credit bad ? our just a little ? I cant afford what they are charging me ?
2014-07-29 5:25 pm
2014-07-29 5:24 pm
All outstanding debts of that nature will show on your credit score.
2014-07-29 5:26 pm
Some utilities do report late payments or delinquent accounts to the credit bureaus. Mine does.

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