Boot from a USB stick?

2014-07-29 10:47 am
Can I boot the computer without entering the BIOS to change the boot sequence.

回答 (3)

2014-07-29 12:03 pm
There is an another thing you can do there is a menu called boot pop up menu or something if you are using an asus board you can enter that menu by pressing f8 at the time of bios post and then select usb(before turning the cpu on make sure that the usb is plugged in)..hope this helps
2014-07-29 11:39 am
no, you must enter bios to change boot sequence, if it is set to 'boot from other devices' and just insert usb stick and disconnect all other devices like hdd and dvd drive it bios will boot usb stick first.
2014-07-29 11:02 am
You have to go into the bios to see up the boot order sequence The way I set mine up is
(1) boot up from usb = it boots from usb drive if one is pluged in
(2) boot up from rom drive if boot up disk is in and no usb boot up drive pluged in
(3) boot up from hard drive. Boots up if there is no USB in or no dvd boot up disk in
save and exit bios setting.

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