year1 Accounting 要讀咩?

2014-07-29 10:53 pm
大學/大專year1 accounting係讀咩課程?我自己係中學係讀理科,冇接觸過商科課程,聽講account要識M1數?如果係既話,大概係M1書既咩課題?因為我未來將會讀ACCOUNTING,我想問有咩方法可以係呢個暑假自修呢一科?

我應該點樣自修英文好?例如睇英文電影劇?書? 或者你有冇咩關於BA既書推介?我可以係圖書館借到

回答 (2)

2014-07-30 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
讀有關BA(工商管理)既課程eg.Financial Accounting,Marketiing,Management,Economics,Hong Kong Taxation,Auditing,Ethics......

accounting有科statistics係M1既數,唔一定要中學讀商科or M1既...只不過有學過第時讀會容易D

2014-08-01 1:06 am
1. Basic courses for your BBA degree (like general education, maths., English, Economics, etc.)

If you are lucky, you should be able to start financial accounting after first semester.

2. No. The maths for accounting is very simple. What complicated is how they are calculated (the formula).

3. You should not do anything. Accounting is a step by step process. Accelerating will not do you any good. For example, taxation is a branch of accounting (which a lot of people know about). However, taxation does not always use the same method as your typical accounting.

4. Seriously - usage is the key. Watching movies and reading books help, but very limited.

5. See #3.

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