
2014-07-29 9:41 pm
She will be coming tonight. 這個我不是很明白 她今晚將會過緊黎???

回答 (5)

2014-07-29 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

(1) To express a promise:
She will come tonight.

(2) To express a plan:
She is going to come tonight.


To express arranged action in NEAR FUTURE:
She is coming tonight.


To use a specific time as an interruption of continuous action in future:
At midnight tonight, she will be coming here. (i.e on her way to come here)

2014-07-29 14:22:45 補充:
所以,She will be coming tonight. 應該唔係好岩!

2014-07-31 09:51:06 補充:

For action that will happen anyway, or is planned in NEAR future, it'd better use Present Continuous, instead of Future Continuous?

I'm seeing Tom tonight so I can give him your message.

2014-07-31 10:23:32 補充:
Typical use of Future Continuous tense: (from "englishpage")
(1) Interrupted action in the future:
eg. I'll be watching TV when Tom arrives tonight.

(2) Specific time as an interruption in the future:
eg. At 7 o'clock tonight, I'll be having dinner with Tom.

(3) Parallel actions in the future:

2014-07-31 10:25:18 補充:
e.g. While Tom is reading, I will be watching television.

2014-07-31 10:54:44 補充:
Some other special uses:
(4) To guess about something in the present or future
e.g. Tom will be getting married very soon.

(5) To ask polite questions about somebody's intention:
e.g. Will you be coming home tonight?

2014-07-31 11:02:39 補充:
However, it doesn't imply you can use Future Continuous to reply the above question to show your positive intention.

If you're sure to come home night, you should answer
"Yes, I'm coming home tonight."

2014-07-31 11:23:26 補充:
所以,She will be coming tonight. 應該可以代表 a statement of guess.

2014-08-01 15:08:17 補充:

All typical uses are easy to understand, but I have reservation on those special uses as indicated by some websites.
2014-08-02 6:10 am
She will be coming tonight = 這句是來的機會比較大
She will come tonight = 這句是會來

2014-07-31 8:23 pm
I think she will come tonight is better.
2014-07-30 5:52 pm
She will be coming tonight.

Future continuous 表示在將來某一時間正在進行的動作. 這動作是暫時性. 這個時態一般不表意願 (intention), 常表已安排好的事, 給人一種期待之感. 它一般只表離現在較近的將來, 並且與表將來的時間狀語 (tonight, tomorrow…)連用

He will be leaving at about 10 o’clock tonight.
At 10 o’clock tomorrow, I will be in my office. I will be working.

嘗試說 Future simple 和 Future continuous, 有什麼不同

Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We’ll be having dinner.
Let us wait for Ms. Wong to arrive and then we’ll have dinner.

Future continuous will be an ongoing process at the point in the future the speaker is referring to.

I will be working when you get home. 當你回到家時,我正在工作中
I will work when you get home. 可能意思是 "I'll start work when you get home".

Future simple [will + verb(base form)] expresses the future with intention.
Future continuous [will + be + verb-ing] expresses the future without intention.

She will write to her parents and tell them about Peter’s new house.
“will write” expresses intention. The speaker announces a deliberate future action in accordance with her own wishes.

She will be writing to her parents and she will tell them about Peter’s new house.
“will be writing” expresses no intention. It is mere a statement of fact and implies this letter to her parents will be written as a routine or for reasons unconnected with Peter’s new house.

You will work in this office. ~ more like a command
You will be working here. ~ only a statement.

Peter won’t cut the grass. ~ Peter refuses to cut it.
“Peter won’t be cutting the grass” is a mere statement of fact, giving no information about Peter’s feelings. Perhaps Peter is away or will be doing other job.

2014-07-31 07:50:36 補充:
One more example:
I'll go and see Tom tonight. (a deliberate intention or promise)

I'll be seeing Tom tonight so I can give him your message.
(an action that will happen anyway, one not specially planned)

2014-07-31 09:04:53 補充:
Future continuous 只有 progressive aspect, 沒有 perfect aspect
Aspect indicates that the action of a verb is either completed or continuing; the action flows or it stops.

Future continuous 不應該含有 "finishing" 字眼作解釋 ~ dangerously misleading!

2014-08-01 07:18:21 補充:
I'll be seeing Tom tonight so I can give him your message.
(an action that will happen anyway, one not specially planned)
~ I'll be seeing ..future continuous

你改了用 present continuous, 不是我原意
I'm seeing Tom tonight so I can give him your message
~ I'm seeing.. present continuous

2014-08-01 07:30:58 補充:
Use the present continuous to describe an event in the future which has already been arranged by the time of speaking.
We are seeing a play at the theatre tonight. We've got the ticket.
We are going to see a play at the theatre sometime next week. ~not arranged yet; the focus is on our intention

2014-08-01 08:50:16 補充:
I'll be watching TV when Tom arrives tonight.
At 7 o'clock tonight, I'll be having dinner with Tom.

兩句都是 denotes progressive aspect in the future
第一句 watching TV被 interrupted, "arrives"是 Interrupt 動作
第二句, dinner 可能預早 arranged
我個人不認為是 Interrupted action
action 是去干擾,中止

2014-08-01 09:22:02 補充:
Examples of various future forms
What are you doing/going to do this Sunday?

1. I have arranged to play tennis,
I'm playing/going to play tennis.

2. I have decided to stay home.
I'm staying home.

3. My plan depends on the weather.
If the weather is fine, I'll work in the garden.

2014-08-01 09:31:58 補充:
4. I haven't made any plan.
Perhaps I'll take my children for a walk.

5. I have to work every Sunday.
Oh, I shall be working as usual.
(I guess no other form would give the exact meaning.)

可能有其他. It is not exhaustive, 只想舉例說明
present continuous, going to do.., future simple, future continuous

2014-08-02 09:43:00 補充:
我信牛津, 劍橋, 朗文,出版的 grammar 書籍多過網上教
你說得對, 網上英文易明白. 人人可 access 上網
誰都可以網上寫, 學生有時要自己 exercise their judgment
British Council, BBC 網站是不錯

Thank you for the contribution.
參考: A Practical English Grammar
2014-07-30 4:10 pm
The future continuous tense:-
used to express a future activity, beginning before and finishing after some given time in the future, eg:-
---When will she be coming?
---When will she be coming tonight?
---Tonight , she will be coming.
---Tonight , she will be coming here.
---Tonight , she will be coming for me at my house.
---I hope she will arrive on time.
---If it is late I shall be wondering what has happened...(died).

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