Can you drink alcohol in foreign countries in the Navy?

2014-07-28 4:45 am
I am 19 years old and thinking of joining the Navy, I know it is kind of a dumb question to be asking on here but I am just curious. If my fleet stops somewhere in like Spain and it is legal for me to drink there, is it fine with the Navy that I do? or will I get in serious trouble. I'm not one to party or anything but It would be cool to have a couple beers somewhere if I was able to.

回答 (8)

2014-07-28 6:17 am
It really depends on the CO of the ship that you are on. With so many CO's got in trouble for various reasons in recent years, some of the CO's are not looking to add more problems that could jeopardize his/her job.
2014-07-28 4:48 am
Hell yes. Thailand, Australia, Singapore....I could tell stories about my first couple floats for hours. 18 & 20 years old at the time.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if it was allowed, but everyone was doing it and no said anything unless you walked up the gangplank and threw up on the duty.
2014-07-28 11:34 am
generally speaking each command sets their own regs, with guidance from the Theater CO. if you are stationed OCONUS, the drinking age on and off base is 21, period. when in PORT.. CO has final say. and yes some ports are dry regardless of age.
2014-07-28 5:06 am
The legal drinking age in Spain is 18, in one province it is 16. So you would have no problem drinking at 19. You must abide by local law.

In some states in the US you can legally drink at home or a private party at age 19 but you can't buy alcohol.
2014-07-29 5:44 pm
In Vietnam you could drink any age but that was then this is now. Today different rules apply the OOD may have you blow then you're screwed......................
2014-07-28 4:47 am
Yes when in a country (not on base like in Spain where you could pull into Rota) then that country's legal drinking age applies. BUT you need to make sure you do not screw it up and follow what the command is telling you to do - often it is a buddy program where you must be with at least 1 if not 2 or 3 others; can have a curfew; and so on.
2014-07-28 5:01 am
Yes, when you are in foreign countries, you are under foreign laws. US laws are irrelevant outside the US
2014-07-28 4:47 am
No. My father was in the navy, and when he trying to drink alcohol in foreign countries, he found he couldn't do it. He couldn't swallow it, no matter how much he tried to dilute it. If there was one drop of booze in a glass of water, he couldn't drink it, no matter how hard he tried.

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