Why isn't "I am Alpha and Omega" a logic statement?

2014-07-28 2:16 am
In John 1:1 we have " In the beginning was the LOGOS" (translated "word"). Why can't it also be translated as LOGIC"? Then "I am (Binary) Logic shows us how God thinks!!!!

回答 (6)

2014-07-28 2:33 am
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In the Book of Revelation the Almighty is called the Alpha and the Omega and Christ is called the Alpha and the Omega. Which means the beginning and the end being that God has no beginning and end this is in relation to creation itself which in other words being called the Alpha and the Omega simply means eternal.
2014-07-28 2:19 am
Because you are using your carnal mind and not your spiritual one.
2014-07-28 5:56 am
in Isaiah 41:4...44:6...48:12 spoken by God . the alpha and omega , the first and the last
rev.1:8 ..1:17. 2:8 21:6 and 22:13 , those same words are spoken by jesus . Jesus must also be God
2014-07-28 2:43 am
The beginning and end of all things created above and below. is the son of God as he said I was with the father from the beginning the father was without beginning or end. The son is the matter of the word. The matter was always with the father but without shape or form. In the body of infinity.
2014-07-28 3:05 am
It is. Greek beginning and end.
2014-07-28 2:31 am
The title “the Alpha and the Omega” carries the same thought as “the first and the last” and “the beginning and the end” when these terms are used with reference to Jehovah. Before him there was no Almighty God, and there will be none after him. He will bring to a successful conclusion the issue over Godship, forever vindicated as the one and only Almighty God.—Compare Isa 44:6.

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