If you were a parent(if you're not already a parent), would you rather spoil your kids or abuse them?

2014-07-28 12:31 am
I need to know this for a survey.

回答 (7)

2014-07-28 1:14 am
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Spoil. They'll turn out to be sheltered brats, but at least they'll be happy and Undamaged. I grew up in an abusive household and I would never wish that upon anyone. I know plenty of people who were spoiled; and yes, they're selfish, but they're happy and successful. Us abused people struggle and tend to not reach our full potential due to mental illness.
2014-07-28 1:58 am
Neither. But spoiling them is far better than abusing them
Sure they'll be selfish brats, but better that than harmed
2014-07-28 12:47 am
neither, but of course never abuse them
2014-07-28 12:35 am
"rather"? I would rather do neither
since I would very much like them
to grow up as well balanced people.
2014-07-28 12:46 am
Neither. They are both abuse.
2014-07-31 3:06 pm
You know how the saying goes: Women are formed to be loved, and not understood.
2014-07-28 12:49 am
omg this question is hilarious.

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