Should I take my diaries with me or give it to my parents as a gift so they can read it, know the real me and get pisssed off?

2014-07-27 3:16 pm
I am leaving my parents for good and I dont really know what to do with my two diaries. The thing is I dont really know if i should leave them in a box, take them with me or wrap it in a gift box and leave it for them to read along with my farewell forever note.

I really need to let go of these diaries but at the same time i cant. Its all about pain and hardships but somehow i want to keep it with me so when my time for success comes I can look back and say I made it.Or should I just leave them the copies.

What do you suggest cause I am really confused.

回答 (8)

2014-07-27 3:17 pm
Take them with you. Some day you will be glad that your parents didn't read about your teenage angst.
2014-07-28 5:48 am
Do something smart! Bury them somewhere! When someone finds them they can read about your life. Put pictures of you as well. Keep in mind it may never be dug up for 20 years!
2014-07-27 7:37 pm
Keep them. First, even if your parents read your diaries (and you are a chicken to be thinking of giving them to your parents now that you won't be around to have to witness their reaction), there's no way to go back and redo history, they can't undo what was done, they can't explain to you why they did what they did for you to understand. Giving them to your parents won't change a thing in your life and you have to live with what you got handed, and learn to forgive what your parents did--and move on. You also should keep your diaries so you can read them 20, 30 years from now and see how you react by then after going through a whole lot more of life, having to deal with a whole lot of worse crap. I kept a journal for a long time when I was young, and only stopped writing when I moved cross country and got into a lot of new stuff. I kept those books (I still have them and need to shred or burn them all) but now it's been 30 years since I last wrote in one. I was cleaning out a closet and found the storage box they are in and read just a little and thought, gee, how things have changed; what seemed so huge back then is nothing compared to what I have to deal with now. I now can see how the way my parents were raised affected the way they felt they had to raise us, I can see now that they made what they considered the best decisions they could based on the little knowledge they had even though many of them were not the best decisions ever made. They tried their best. I can't totally forgive my mother but I can at least see now that she was working under a whole lot of handicaps.
2014-07-27 6:20 pm
These diaries mean more to you than you care to admit. So, keep them. And, you are mistaken if you think they will be even more meaningful when you become successful.

It sounds like you have been through painful experiences. Why not just burn them as a symbol of your new lease on life. Leaving them behind is not very wise because you never know who will end up reading your most personal and intimate thoughts.

And, to say that you are disowning your family is a very sad thing to hear, but I am sure that right now you think it is best for you. But remember, once you grow up and mature, you will see life differently, so don't burn any family bridges. Go ahead and leave, but remember, time changes things and you don't want to have any regrets while making a teenage decision.
2014-07-27 4:00 pm
Keep them.
2014-07-27 3:53 pm
Keep them, one day when you have kids, you can let them read and it'll help them go through such problems that you went through. That way they know they're not alone and it can create a better bond between you and them.
參考: My plan
2014-07-27 3:30 pm
Take them with you. Some day you will destroy them, when you feel you need to carry that load no more!
But do not dump your load on your parents; it is no gift to give !
2014-07-27 3:30 pm
Sometimes taking no action is the best. You don't have to make that decision right now and you can always do it in the future.
Once done, you can't undo it. Unless they're on their death bed, why don't you wait i bit and just enjoy thinking about it for now.
Good luck with your new life!

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