Need insight on capricorn guy!?

2014-07-27 2:56 pm
I've been talking to this guy, who is a cap, with no expectations on my side except friendship. though I do feel a connection with him, we are still very casual and relaxed in our relations. No physical intimacy yet whatsoever. We talk a lot and we have hung out. Thr past couple days he has been reiterating that he loves that he is a free man and that he can come and go as he pleases without having to answer to a woman. Ive never known him to be in a really serious relationship, definitely not recently. He has kind of implied that he likes me more than the average female friend. So what is he thinking? Why does he feel the need to reiterate that he loves his freedom? Freedom as in, guy nights, going off roading etc just guy stuff not like he wants freedom to sleep around.

回答 (2)

2014-07-27 4:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He probably means that he likes you, but wants his space.
2014-07-27 4:51 pm

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