Mixed Chem qq(2)

2014-07-28 6:59 am

http://postimg.org/image/4zjjmddab/ here is the rotated one yoyoyo!!!


and all questions pls thanks a lot!


甘点解covalent bond唔係belong to giant covalent structure,而係simple molecular structure呢?and hydrogen chloride其實係咪一舊molecule?定係covalent ge野?


actually what makes me feel a headache is no.1 我真係冇數感完全唔知点搭。。望左半日都毫無頭緒。請help me arrrr…………


I al already very depressed ab this knowledge website!! i tell all of u ... i depend on myself not anyone !!! bye then! but fluorescent is reli a good guy so i give him this one he can reli help me, not like anybody else!

回答 (3)

2014-07-29 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.多數既Compound都係Obey ''Octet rule'' 或者''Duplet rule''( 啫係Outermost electron有8粒/2粒)因為咁樣個Structure先會Stable.你既然知道個Molecular formula係N2F2,就可以諗下點樣放先可以每個N同F都有8粒Outermost electron.其實真係好簡單.記住,佢地係Covalent bond,(Share電子),唔係ionic bond黎.



4.van der Waals's forces只係一個總稱,包括左Instantaneous-dipole induce-dipole, dipole-dipole force等等,亦都係一種Intermolecular force黎.佢存在係molecule之間,例如每粒CO2 molecule之間都有van der Waals's forces吸引住佢地.無論個Compound係咪Dipole, van der Waals's force都存在

5.兩者無矛盾haha. 一個係指Intermolecular force,一個指Structure.For exmaple,NaCl係Giant ionic structure,但Bonding係Ionic bond. CO2係Simple molecular structure,但係Covalent bond黎.

6.van der Waals' forces好少係''Strong'',通常都係叫''Weak van der Waal's forces''.當然,如果個Compound夠大,van der Waals' forces都會增強,有時仲會大過Hydrogen bond, Dipole forces...答番問題先,Diamond之間既C係比Dispersion forces(而Dispersion force係其中一種van der Waals's force黎)吸住,不過唔係主要,主要係Covalent bond.

2014-07-29 08:34:47 補充:
Covalent bond係指Atom之間既Bonding,啫係C同O,而Structure係另一件事。每一個CO2 Molecules之間都有Intermolecular force,如果得van der Waals forces,就係Simple molecular structure.好似NaCl咁,Atom之間係ionic bond,但每個“NaCl”之間都有Dipole force,一出現就係成堆NaCl連埋,唔會得一粒咁出現,所以係Giant ionic structure.
基本上Giant covalent Structure唔多,只有Silicon dioxide,Gra

2014-07-29 08:45:27 補充:
(字數太長)Graphite,diamond,nanotube果幾種(Syllabus內)你可以上網Search下。再舉一例,HCl既Atom之間由Covalent bond吸住,但每次出現係一個Molecule咁,唔會好似NaCl幾百/千粒咁連理,(你睇下NaCl係書果幅3D)所以係Simple molecular structure.通常RT下係(room temperature)Gas都係Simple molecular structure,因為Molecules之間得weak van der Waals forces,少少Energy己經overcome到,所以係氣體。

2014-07-29 08:48:35 補充:
P S 1,之前高中讀書,唔得閒玩yahoo knowledge所以無乜點答,今年岩岩考完DSE得閒

2014-07-29 09:07:00 補充:
字數限制,未答到第一題,Inbox我,[email protected]
2014-07-28 8:04 pm
sorry lah sorry lah
I can't make that because the camera is well.......all taking pictures in that direction T^T
let's save the picture in your file (Save AS) then you can rotate the picture !!!!
2014-07-28 12:38 pm
which question? or all?
also, you could have rorate the picture

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