現在式 現在進行式

2014-07-26 9:00 am
i am reading the book
i read the book
這都在現在發生 那時間其實差在哪??

回答 (7)

2014-07-26 4:43 pm
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i am reading 系你講緊野時睇緊
i read the book 的 'read' 其實系past tense, 成句就系話我睇左本書
P.S read咩式都吾變, except present continuous tense(+ing)
if you insist on saying that 'i read the book' is present tense, then i should tell you people seldom use this to express
2014-07-27 12:10 am
現在進行式= now

I am reading the book, which Mary read last week,now.
I am reading a book now.

現在式- 每天或習慣性做
I read the book, which Mary read, everyday or every Sunday

現在完成式 = 我看過mary看過的書

I have read the book, which Mary read.
2014-07-26 10:55 pm
快來幫我推推吧: http://sexbarss.net/?fromuid=208092

2014-07-26 14:55:50 補充:
快來幫我推推吧: http://sexbarss.net/?fromuid=208092
2014-07-26 5:02 pm
The present continuous tense:-
For an action began in the past and will terminate in future,at the moment of speaking is incomplete and is still continuing,eg:-I am reading in a class-chair the book.I am just reading the book
Also to express futurity, especially with verbs of movement like go, come, leave, etc.,eg:-I am reading to John ; we are leaving for Exam.---eg:-I am reading here next week and is staying here until July 31.----eg:-What are you reading next week?----You are reading in the small library today !
Also for special meanings:-eg:-I am reading the Bible tomorrow at Sunday.They are reading the printed words/symbols..-----I am not reading as well as I used to(=my sense of seeing is not so good as it used to be).-----The boy is still learning to read.----I can't read your writing!-----Can you read Music ?Can you read the map ?---I go through written printed words in silence in dark.I am going to go to bed to read.---JR Rowling liked reading to her younger students.---To find out about something by reading(=gerund).
As said, the Continuous Tense used for continuing but is expected to end soon. If permanent or lasting for a long time, the Simple Present Tense is used.
-----The Adverb of Frequency are used with Simple Present Tense expresses repeated action. But "always" can be used with Continuous Tense when repeated,irritated actions indicated.He is always reading loudly on P magazine.You are continually reading novels by S.----She is constantly complaining that the house is too cold to read.---I'm forever reading Shakespeares.Have you been reading any Shakespears?
Verbs in the Simple Tense:-
Verbs of perception,eg:-see,hear, feel, smell used the Simple Present Tense:-I don't see any books there.I see what you mean.Do you hear that noise?---I feel a sharp pain in my neck !--I smell some magazines burning.---Do you taste Sherry's Frankinstein novels by her?
For the states of,feelings or relationship use the Simple Present Tense:-
Sherry loves reading, but hates--
2014-07-26 1:53 pm
I am reading the book currently.
如果 currently 解那一刻, not quite right
currently = at the present time, 現時﹐當前 (不是那一刻)

He is currently working in Boston.
The product is not currently available.

說話人說話時, 動作正在進行中
I am reading the book at the moment.

2014-07-26 06:07:40 補充:
I read a book every day.
I read the book every day. ~ 很少這麼使用, 除非指定那本書
the ~ definite article

I read the bible every day. ~ OK

2014-07-26 10:49:53 補充:
你的英語錯漏百出, past tense 與 present tense, 搞到亂糟糟
I am reading the Bible tomorrow at Sunday.
tomorrow at Sunday 是什麼英語, 明天星期日?
You slways answer in English, but you can't conceal the fact that you think in Chinese.
直譯變成唔湯唔水的 Chinglish

I am going to read the Bible on Sunday.

2014-07-26 11:08:20 補充:
Typo error:
always, not "slways"

認同 洪曉怡
"I read the book 的 'read' 其實系 past tense"

整句子是 past simple tense

read - read - read, (base form - past tense - past participle)
reading (present participle)
reads (用在 third person singular)

2014-07-27 00:58:04 補充:
回 009 Masterijk:

Ha, Ha! 我每晚睡前都是閱讀同一本書, 一套四本
“The collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell Vol. 1 - 4".

重複又重複看, 不知多少次

以前看 “Animal Farm”, “1984”, 同一作者

2014-07-27 01:03:55 補充:

I hesitate to guess how many times I have read Orwell’s books since then, but I don't hesitate to say that I can think of few other books that have given me such a deep and lasting warmth, love and pleasure or to which I can return with such assurance of a renewal my original enjoyment.
2014-07-26 1:10 pm
( 知識長 ) 繼續:

I read the book. [重點是那一刻] simple past tense
☛ I read a book yesterday.
☛ I read "the" book when I was ten. 指明那本書
2014-07-26 9:09 am
I am reading the book. [重點是那一刻]
☛ I am reading the book now.
☛ I am reading the book while she is playing the piano.
☛ I am reading the book currently, don't you see it?

2014-07-26 01:09:36 補充:
I read the book. [重點不是那一刻,而只是一般敍述]
☛ I read the book when I am bored.
☛ I read the book every day.
☛ I read the book before I sleep.

2014-07-26 12:56:59 補充:
回 回答者 001 洪曉怡、意見者 002 石破天驚、意見者 007 Godfrey:

感謝意見分享! (。◕‿◕。)
我同意 "I read the book" 意為過去的事,即屬 past tense。
故此我解釋 present continuous tense 和 simple present tense 的分別。

回 Godfrey:
(004) 謝謝你指出 "currently" 的仔細描述時刻。
(005) 對,我本指同一本書,例如每晚睡前也要閱讀一下那本笑話大全才能入睡。

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