Is there really a Hell?

2014-07-25 2:30 pm
What do you believe about Hell?
If there is a Hell, where is it?
What do other religions say about Hell?

回答 (28)

2014-07-25 2:31 pm
Of course not. The concept was made up to frighten and control people. Worked pretty well, didn't it?
2014-07-25 2:31 pm
Hell is man made to use fear to control people.
2014-07-25 2:32 pm
Hell does not exist because religions are not real. Hell does exist in our own minds, what we find painful, is our own individual hell.
2014-07-25 2:32 pm
I doubt it, if we were to live in eternal pain i'm pretty sure pain wouldn't even hurt anymore since youre so used to it...
2014-07-25 3:32 pm
If hell is myth then Jesus Christ was either a grim fantasist or schizophrenic, for he gave plenty of warnings re hell, mostly in Matthews Gospel Jesus was a beautifully whole and vibrant personality - and much more besides!

I would choose not to believe in hell, like the JW's, or that it is a swift punishment, but for the awful fact that many now have actually been to hell and have experienced hellish suffering, of fear, pain, heat and thirst - hopelessness and sheer terror. Jesus was there as a teacher in at least one such visit; the sufferers often cried out to him but his reply was -
"What is written is written."
There are spiritual Laws at work in these things The visionaries testify that they have never been MORE aware! Others have visited hell in death, after being been dead (brain dead) for some time before resuscitation. All their horrific experiences have Biblical backing

Jesus came to suffer - he died at the hands of men who were being used by Satan to destroy him. In a sense, Jesus gave himself up to Satan as a replacement for us who are subtly but surely in the power of Satan's dominium the termination of which is suffering, until we receive God's protective Grace to save us from the place of suffering - cut off from God, if we receive this Gift of salvation.

Satan tried to kill Jesus to take his place, but he arose triumphant and from heaven he is to return to earth as King
2014-07-25 3:22 pm
Would you like an answer from the bible? If you look at Genesis 2:16,17, you will see what God offered man, It wasn't heaven or hell. It was life or death.

Because of Satan's rebellion, God has altered His original plans to include taking 144,000 humans to heaven to rule with Jesus.

ALL of the early Christians were of this group. Most of the words of Paul were addressed to this group and do not concern the rest of us who will live forever on the earth. This can be very confusing to those who have not studied the bible long enough to understand.

Hell, as a place of torment, is a pagan myth, not taught in the bible. Do you really think that God would condemn any of His children to such a place?

The word hell is incorrectly translated from the old Hebrew sheol and the Greek hades, both of which mean simply - grave.

These words were translated in most places as hell, in some places as pit and in some places correctly, as grave.

The bible says that the truth will set you free. Now you know the truth and can stop being afraid of the word, hell.
2014-07-25 2:38 pm
There really are some god freaks on here, go play with the neighbours wife while he's at work
2014-07-25 2:33 pm
Eventually everybody creates his own hell for personal amusement.
參考: Ohhh
2014-07-25 2:34 pm
Jesus Christ would be a liar if there were no hell. For Jesus gave many details.

One will go to hell if they do not take the pardon that God made available to you.. A pardon can be rejected and God cannot do anything about people that choose to reject it. They will die in their sins.
2014-07-25 4:12 pm
Only if you are inculcated enough to believe it!!! Also no actual gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!!
2014-07-25 2:33 pm
there is Hell.
the Eastern conception of hell in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism is analogous to the Christian concept of Purgatory. There is no eternal damnation; hell is a place to expiate evil karma with the end that the purified soul can again advance to a higher plane of existence.

2014-07-25 2:35 pm

Romans 2:9- "There will be trouble and distress for all who do evil."

God wants no person to perish. WE need to repent of our selfish deluded lifestyle and avoid perishing.
2014-07-27 11:02 am
To believe in a hell you would have to be crazy !
2014-07-26 10:39 pm
I believe what God's Word the Bible --itself-- teaches.

I don't care what other religions say about anything.

And, several Bible verses show that there is no such thing as either 'afterlife', or, 'eternal torment' / 'hellfire'.

When it speaks of 'the lake of fire' it also explains what that lake symbolizes:

"And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire.
THIS MEANS the SECOND DEATH [with no hope if resurrection], the lake of fire."---Revelation 20:14

Further proof of this is given in several other scriptures, including:

"For evil men will be DONE AWAY WITH." (Psalm 37:9a)

"Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be NO MORE." (Psalm 37:10a)

"But the wicked will PERISH;
The enemies of Jehovah [God] will VANISH . . . VANISH LIKE SMOKE." (Psalm 37:20)

"They are CUT OFF like heads of grain." (Job 24:24c)

"The wicked . . . are LIKE the CHAFF that the wind BLOWS AWAY." (Psalm 1:4)

"These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of EVERLASTING destruction." (2 Th. 1:9a)

"The FUTURE of wicked people will be CUT OFF." (Psalm 37:38b)

The idea of an afterlife when the wicked will continue to live, and to be tortured forevermore, is a PAGAN MYTH. It was adopted by early apostate Christians --among other pagan teachings-- to help gain converts and financial backers. . . . Christ said that MANY would FALSELY claim to be his followers.

There are several warnings in the Christian Greek Scriptures about it, including:
Mark 13:22-23; 2 Peter 2:1; 1John 4:1; and, 1Thessalonians 5:21.

More about what the Bible's view of 'hell' is can be found in the article:

"What Really Is Hell?"
2014-07-26 10:17 pm
Yes, it is when your brain is not normal and then you have to take medicine
2014-07-26 2:21 pm
Man creates their own hell that's why there are so many suicides..............................
2014-07-25 4:39 pm
U mad bro
2014-07-25 3:45 pm
I was in Hell once. It was the most horrible time of my life. Then my worldview crashed and I realized that all that I had been taught about how life is supposed to work was a lie. I quickly realized that God was as well.

As I searched for answers to what really works, I became an ex-christian and escape from hell was rather easy after that. Life is great today
2014-07-25 3:44 pm
There is no hell. I see it like this: if there was a hell and god is supposed to be a perfect soul he would never approve of a place where people get tortured.
2014-07-25 3:14 pm
We all have different beliefs, it is in my belief we have all lives from the past and we did not except God in our heart's so we did not make it to heaven so we are reborn in the flesh here again the only hell you will see until you accept the father son and holy ghost in you're heart is this world. Then after rapture God has promised us this world for ever for those who accept him.
2014-07-25 3:04 pm
Hell would be down, as heaven is up. Yet one can only go down as far as the center of the earth without going up again. Hell was considered the receiving place of the dead, where Jesus went for 3 days before he rose from the dead, in the center of the earth. You will find these definitions in the older Bibles, like the 1816 one I have.
I like to think of it this way. In the spirit realms there is no physical sun to shine. It must be the light of your love that lights your way. If you resonate in the lower frequencies of fear, and have no light/love in you, how great will that darkness be in the spirit realms? Hell is not eternal, one can learn to love and move away from fear, but once you reach that state it is a long struggle back to the light.
check out this link for some great PDF free files on news from beyond.
2014-07-25 2:46 pm
Yes, there IS a hell. And there is a Heaven. Those who are wise know this.
2014-07-25 4:00 pm
Hell is a teaching tool. It is a TEMPORARY state of consciousness where souls get to experience the pain and anguish that they caused to others through their words or deeds. They get first-hand experience of the emotional fallout of their actions (which they could not see on earth) – thus they learn what they did right and what they did wrong. This is how we souls learn and grow spiritually. We cannot learn without experience.

This is what people saw during their near-death experiences:

Hell is the pain, anguish, hurt and anger that you have caused others or who suffered as a result of your actions/words to others. Hell is what you have created for yourself within your soul by turning your back on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, compassion and peace. (Tina)

Those who have stunted their spiritual growth through an undeveloped or misdirected lifestyle, have led a purely self-centered life or have hurt other people, their spiritual environment will reflect something of these realities. A self-centered life on Earth places one in an area of the spirit world with like-minded people who have yet to learn the value of unselfishness for the advancement of the soul. (Nora Spurgin)

The spiritual state of being you have on Earth is the spiritual state you take with you to the world beyond when you die. There is no sudden metamorphosis from an idle person into an active person, from a nonreligious person into a religious person, from a money-centered person into a God-centered person. This is not an automatic thing. Heaven and hell are spiritual states of being. They are not static states but are states in which there can be growth and progress toward ultimate wholeness of being. (Margaret Tweddell)

What people call hell is really a spiritual time-out condition in which souls reflect and work out the things that blocked them from the power of their own light. There is no condemnation in hell, only the outworking of our own misjudgments, mistakes, misalignments, or misappropriations. (Dr. PMH Atwater)

After death people gravitate into homogenous groups according to the rate of their soul's vibrations - much like throwing a small pebble into a threshing machine. It goes into the box that fits its proper size and weight. After death, we are sorted by the high or low vibrations of our soul. Everyone goes where they fit in! High vibrations indicate love and spiritual development, while low vibrations indicate debasement and evil. All one has to do is to LOVE SO UNSELFISHLY that their soul-vibrations rise high enough to fit into heaven. (Arthur Yensen)
2014-07-25 3:53 pm
In many bible translations the word hell reffers to the common grave, and Eccl.9:5 explains that those who die are consious of nothing.Also, Gen.3:19 states: from dust you are to dust you return. But since we are all sinners god made a provision for us to recieve forgiveness if our sins and a hope for the future by sending his son, jesus, to die for us. And since gods main quality is love, and he views us as his children, would a loving father condemn his children to burn forever? He does,however,give us neccessary loving correction and guidance which can be found in his word,the bible. For more information please feel free to visit
2014-07-25 2:43 pm
The Catholic Catechism states that Hell is separation from God. People who reject God don't realize what existence would be like without him completely. Sometimes they're so busy rebelling against Christians that they don't think about God being the spirit of the universe.

Hell would be existing with a combination of evil souls and souls that just preferred to do things their way instead of God's way. That's not where I want to be. I think it would be really miserable. Christ tried to warn people that it's a miserable existence and he used figurative language to do it. John used figurative language in the book of Revelation. After the Protestant Reformation in 1518, people started trying to interpret scripture for themselves. Some of them thought the safest way to avoid misinterpreting it was to take everything literal. When fire was used to stress that Hell is a miserable place, they thought people must get burned alive for eternity. That's not what the authors of the Bible intended.
2014-07-25 2:40 pm
I believe there is a Hell and a Heaven. As to where it is, I don't know and don't WANT to know - I have no intentions of every seeing it. I know in my heart that we (hubby and I) will be in Heaven together.
2014-07-25 2:38 pm
yes hell really exists

its in the center of he earth
2014-07-25 2:35 pm
Hell is the state of anguish and burning conscience that sin causes fully exposed in the light of the glory of God, and the gnawing worm of self reproach for not having the salvation that was offered.

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

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