at this school of this school

2014-07-25 6:37 am
Are you a student at this school?
假設上文文法正確,為什麼是 "a student at this school" 而不是 "a student of this school?" 請賜教。

回答 (3)

2014-07-25 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Obviously, the main difference between "at this school" and "of this school" is the meaning of the two prepositions.

Definitions from Oxford dictionary:
"at" - used to say where somebody works or studies
"of" - belonging to something; being part of something; relating to something

Are you a student at this school?
The question focuses on the identity as a student.
在這所學校,是否"學生"? (或者是老師,工人等)

Are you a student of this school?
The question focuses on the school; you are a student at "which school"?
是否"這所"學校的學生? (我知道你是學生)
2014-07-25 3:19 pm
She is a student at this school.
He was a student at the University of Chicago.

通常 student at a particular school or university. 尤其中小學
usage 問題, 慣用 at school

私立學校, 學生交學費便入去讀,
無學費交, 便… sense of belonging ? 學生流動性大

2014-07-25 07:33:28 補充:
He is the headmaster of this school.
She is the Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh.
He is the dean of the medical school.

校長,大學的名譽校長(越高地位,是用 of , 是大學主要成員)
多數美國私立的大學當擁有, being part of the university
高薪 headhunt (挖角)明星教授, runs a university like an enterprise

2014-07-25 07:52:45 補充:

教授重要是大學有 sufficient fundings 做 research
有其他的同僚與 graduate students support
大學聲望與 compensation 是 factors 一部分
2014-07-25 6:39 am

此連結解釋了 at school , in school, at the school

"a student at this school" 和 "a student of this school" 也可以是正確的。



2014-07-24 23:01:58 補充:
"a student at this school" 指出 在這間學校這個地方(地點)的一個學生。

"a student in this school" 指出 在這間學校這個環境(場所)的一個學生。

"a student of this school" 指出 這間學校的一個學生。

其實在此情況 at 和 in 更難分辨,但你今次問 at 和 of 則應該可以分辨。

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