
2014-07-25 1:44 am
1: 首先,本人目前還有一年才18歲,18歲那年會DSE,DSE7月放榜,我8月才足夠18歲,那對DSE/證明有沒有影響?因為聽說,學校畢業證書一定要和身分證的名字一樣,還是,只要有身份證號碼證明就足夠?

2: 18歲時換身分證,是否只需付去弄改名契的錢,18歲時換身分證改名有改名契,就不用再付其他收費?

3: 換身分證時,是不是可以連同其他需要改資料的證件一同交上?還是說,每項證件都要另外自己再預約?(eg.回鄉證﹑旅行證件)

4: 旅行證件還沒到期,但我期間沒可能會出外,那我是不是可以等過期後或要用時,那個時候再去改旅行證件的資料?

5: 假設,我想自己改名叫Mandy Wong,那中文就是黃曼蒂或近音字,這樣可以嗎?但英文這邊,會不會變成了Wong Mandy的?還是弄改名契,在填表時自己寫成Mandy Wong就可以了?


回答 (1)

2014-07-25 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Name change decree has 2 purposes:

a. Prove your approved new name;

b. Showed your previous legal name.

So when you have a problem, the decree will be able to resolve any potential issue (for example, if the school is okay with it, the school can issue a new diploma in your new name based on your decree).

However, in this case, it is better if you can wait until everything has been settled (beyond HKDSE and JUPAS).

2. No. It will be still a $420. The fee will be assessed as you request changes.

3. Each of them needs to be done separately.

4. No - your previous name is no longer valid.

5. Yes. Yes. Due to how the name is organized in Hong Kong, your name will be "Wong, Mandy".

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