halo on a picture?

2014-07-24 3:40 am
Im so confused right now. Ok so I was looking at a picture and I saw a halo on the top of my friends head. So I texted her, hey cute halo. And she was like huh halo? So then when I checked the picture again there was nothing on the top of her head in the air. Im I going crazy??! Does this mean she gonna die?!!. Omg whats wrong with me lol. Please help. Ohhh I almost forgot I thought it was one of those phone effects like stickers or something like that.

回答 (3)

2014-07-24 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please be assured that you are certainly not crazy - no way! - and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you at all. You are not going to die, so please don't worry. The phenomenon you describe is certainly rare but is not unknown. Everyone is psychic to a greater or lesser degree. It could possibly have been nothing more than an phenomenon caused by a ray of light. but there again it could be demonstrative of your own psychic powers. Such things have certainly happened, so please don't be alarmed and don't be afraid, for there is nothing to fear.

Regards. I hope this has helped to reassure you.
2014-07-25 4:04 am
Halo etc in pictures either cause by glare or exposure but if really something bad is going to happen, the unusual features will be the around the eyes , eye ball, cornea so called the lenses as the camera lenses which cause it to reflect the prediction or state of the soul of that person
2014-07-26 5:21 am
Some people are more sensitive, once I saw on, a photo, a huge orb on top of my cousin's head and I mentioned it to her and she was like, "oh, I didn't notice that!!"

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