Should I eat more calories before I start going to the gym?

2014-07-23 7:40 am
I want to get big and muscular like Henry Cavill in Man Of Steel. I heard he had to gain 20 pounds and eat 5000 calories a day and then he had to train 2 hours a day at the gym.. But what I want to know is am i supposed to take in more calories for a period of (weeks?) before I start going to the gym or should I increase my calorie in take and go to the gym at the same time. And what food should I be eating when eating so much? healthy or junk food? I heard I have to eat a meal every two hours. Is this true? Please help.

回答 (3)

2014-07-23 8:07 am
You do not want to start eating more before you start working out. Then you'll just start working out fat and have that much more work to do. To build muscle your going to want to eat about 1 gram of proetien for every lb of body weight you are right now. You also want an eqaul amount of carbs. Avoid junk foods and simple sugars. You may also want to reach out to someone you know who is already lifting or do some more research. Even in lifting things up and putting them down, knowledge is power.
2014-07-23 7:42 am
2014-07-23 7:49 am
No you shouldn't. Don't earn calories. Just start eating a lot of vegies and diet stuff. That will help you built muscles and gym simultaneously!

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