If it truly doesn't matter what people think of you, would you leave the house in just your underwear?

2014-07-22 4:10 pm

回答 (11)

2014-07-22 4:13 pm
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It matters what people think to some extent. My reputation would be ruined. But I would only go out in my underwear if I lived in a very very rural area :-)
2014-07-22 4:12 pm
Yeah, if it was a nice day. That's why when you hear someone say "I don't care what anyone thinks" - you know it's not completely true.
2014-07-22 4:12 pm
I would if I owned any underwear. But I don't.
2014-07-22 4:48 pm
it's not a matter of what people think of me, it's what i think of myself..
2014-07-22 4:43 pm
Na I got self respect bro
2014-07-22 4:15 pm
A man's family has gotsta' have a home.
2014-07-22 4:13 pm
No, cos I don't wear any
2014-07-22 4:14 pm
No, because my clothes are soft and warm and I would feel weird without them.
2014-07-22 4:13 pm
Nope. My body is for my man to see and others to wonder 😊
2014-07-22 4:12 pm
Not really I don't feel like going to jail.
2014-07-22 4:35 pm
If you've got it, flaunt it.

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