請師兄幫忙翻譯, 謝謝!

2014-07-23 1:10 am
請師兄幫忙翻譯以下, 謝謝!

我公司確認及安排10個工人於8月30日在中環開工, 請貴公司安排更衣室給我們, 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2014-07-23 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have confirmed and arranged 10 workers who would commence work on August 30 in Central. It would therefore be much appreciated if you could provide changing rooms for our use. Thanks a lot.

2014-07-22 17:55:42 補充:
[We have confirmed that 10 workers would be arranged to commence] work (...)
2014-07-23 11:57 pm
I confirm and arrange 10 workers on August 30 in Central started, please give us your company to arrange the locker room, thank you!
2014-07-23 8:55 pm
I confirm and arrange 10 workers on August 30 in Central started, please give us your company to arrange the locker room, thank you!


收錄日期: 2021-04-15 15:55:45
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