what is the difference between Nightstyle and Nightstep?

2014-07-22 5:59 am
I was always into Nightcore but only recently did I find out there was Nightstep which soon led me to Nightstyle. Im not good at analyzing music so I could never really tell the difference between nightstep and nightstyle so if someone could enlighten me, that'll be great.

回答 (2)

2015-03-12 3:57 am
Nightstep is sped up Dubstep and Nightstyle is sped up Hardstyle. If you can tell the differences between Dubstep and Hardstyle, you can tell the differences between Nightstep and Nightstyle.

Unlike Nightcore which is usually sped up around 20-25% (to achieve the pitch-up vocal and increase BPM from around 140 to 160-180), there is no guideline of how much % to speed up to qualify it as Nightstep and Nightstyle, some even do it as little as 5-10% and you can only tell there is only a little difference from the original song.
2014-07-22 7:13 am
No such things. Recently, DI.fm "codified" the existence of Nightcore, but the music still is not very distinctive and not much different from Happy Hardcore and the music that sounds Crazy Frog on crack. All of this "night" stuff will go extinct because of its identity crisis, just like witch house.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:54:46
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