From sedentary to being able to do HIIT?

2014-07-21 3:46 pm
I am a female 5'5, 128 pounds trying to lose fat, build muscles and get toned. My BMI is in the healthy range but my size is quite big, especially the abdomen part where I have a 31 inch waist and 37 inch hips. I have been sedentary my whole life and recently I want to start exercising. HIIT sounds nice to me, but since I have a minimum amount of muscles, what kind of exercise should I start doing first before proceeding to doing more intense exercise like HIIT? Should I start speed walking, or weight lifting something like that? How long should I be doing light exercise before it is safe for me to do HIIT?(to prevent injury from the sudden increase in intensity of exercise) Please list out some examples so I have have an idea, thanks!

回答 (1)

2014-07-21 3:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
128lbs at 5'5 is quite skinny, if you start doing hiit there will be nothing left of you and you will just be skin and bones, cardio is fine but something thats low impact, like going for a 40minute walk every morning on an empty stomach , if i were you i would look more into doing muscle toning excercises aswell, try doing something like pilates for body sculpting and morning fast paced walks on an empty stomach, also try cutting back on your calories and get the right macronutrient ratio in your diet, for losing fat i would go with 40% protein, 40%carbs and 40% fats, and also avoid fast digesting carbs like chocolate,cakes,crisps etc as that raises your insulin levels, when your insulin levels are high your fat is not going anywhere no matter how much excercise you do, and as far as going from being sedantary to being active i'd say just take it one step at a time, rather than jumping right into the deep end, i would leave the HIIT for later on when your body is a bit more better conditioned, good luck

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