cuscs真係咁差?? ((超急,,20分help me)

2014-07-21 1:33 am
我18分,,之前報左scs嘅健康產品管理,佢話讀得好可上番ou nursing,但見到好多人狂踩SCS,,嚇到我無交留位費,,而家咩水泡都無.....
其實SCS真係咁差??如果唔係太差.我會死死氣打番去SCS問仲有冇位....如果唔係就睇下其他院校high dip,有冇位/排waiting list.......

回答 (2)

2014-07-21 11:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is CUSCS is really that bad (In my opinion, you are doing the right thing).

1. Seriously - CUHK has its own nursing school. Why does CUSCS have to promote OUHK's program in nursing? In that case, why don't I start from OUHK instead?

2. To most Higher Diploma/Associate's Degree students, the #1 concern is not the money, but the bridging/top-up to a full Bachelor's Degree.

Apparently, others are doing better than CUSCS, such as PolyU's HKCC (HKCC>PolyU SPEED). At the least, PolyU SPEED pre-qualifies HKCC students, so they knows that at least they will have a chance for them.

3. Health Products Management? Seriously, this is not a major.

Based on everything I have mentioned above, CUSCS sounds like a for-profit company rather than a school.

2014-07-21 18:57:57 補充:
1. HKU SPACE? Same, maybe even worse.

2. Simple - find a place to make up your science background. For starter - OUHK.

3. I don't really care about the points (my estimate is I rank #1 in term of points). What I care if my answer can help you. If so, choose mine as best answer.

2014-07-21 18:58:28 補充:
1. HKU SPACE? Same, maybe even worse.

2. Simple - find a place to make up your science background. For starter - OUHK.

3. I don't really care about the points (my estimate is I rank #1 in term of points). What I care if my answer can help you. If so, choose mine as best answer.

2014-07-21 18:59:00 補充:
1. HKU SPACE? Same, maybe even worse.

2. Simple - find a place to make up your science background. For starter - OUHK.

3. I don't really care about the points (my estimate is I rank #1 in term of points). What I care if my answer can help you. If so, choose mine as best answer.

2014-07-22 02:46:01 補充:
1. Distance Learning (OUHK's Bachelor's Degree).

Once you have obtained certain results, you can do whatever you want (or continue until you graduate).

2. No.

2014-07-22 02:46:32 補充:
1. Distance Learning (OUHK's Bachelor's Degree).

Once you have obtained certain results, you can do whatever you want (or continue until you graduate).

2. No.

2014-07-22 02:54:22 補充:

I am not saying you are wrong.

But your answer is contradicting yourself. If CUSCS is good, then why you need to suggest HKBU's CIE?

Beside, CIE is on the same boat as CUSCS, the articulation option is not good enough.
2014-07-22 4:59 am
首先, 本人覺得cuscs不太差,
HD畢業後升OU只是其中一個升學方向, 不是一定的
例如: HKBU CIE 副學士現在還可供申請

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