沒野做, 冇辦法跟進?

2014-07-21 1:27 am
KATE說由於技術問題, 她現階段對這個項目束手無策.

1. KATE said no action could be taken for this project due to the technical problem.

2. KATE said there are no follow up action for this project because of technical problem.

3. Due to the technical problem, KATE said no action could be done for the project.

我試譯3句出黎, 麻煩幫我搵出三句句子入面既Grammar mistakes...thanks!


回答 (8)

2014-07-21 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
KATE說由於技術問題, 她現階段對這個項目束手無策.

(1) Kate said she no [further] action could be taken for [the] project due to [the X] technical problem.

(note: time/place references change in indirect speech; this-->the)

(2) Kate said there [was] no follow up action for [the] project because of technical problem.

(note: beware of the tense of the indirect speech within the that-clause)

(3) Due to the technical problem, Kate said no action could be done for the project.

(grammar correct, but the meaning a bit different from 1. & 2.; "due to ..." was not part of Kate's speech)

(4) Kate said she [was] unable to do anything for [the] project due to [the X] technical problem.

More examples:
(5) Kate said she was incapable/unable/impotent to proceed with the project (at that stage) due to technical problem.

2014-07-21 00:08:49 補充:
(1) Kate said no (further) action could be taken for [the] project due to [the X] technical problem.

2014-07-21 09:03:57 補充:
Tense, personal pronoun, time and place references change accordingly in reported/indirect speech.

2014-07-21 10:18:25 補充:
(5) at the stage
reported speech: "this/that" ---> "the"

2014-07-22 23:53:54 補充:
There is an idiom in English that can depict the situation of 束手無策﹐智窮計盡.

"at your wits' end"

Kate said she was at her wits' end with the project at the stage because of the technical problem.

2014-07-22 23:54:14 補充:
There is an idiom in English that can depict the situation of 束手無策﹐智窮計盡.

"at your wits' end"

Kate said she was at her wits' end with the project at the stage because of the technical problem.
2014-07-23 12:58 pm
這話是某立法會議員說的? 高鐵項目? 西九龍計劃?
2014-07-23 2:32 am
No.1 & 3 are acceptable and people understand what you say. but the following is better and straight forward.

KATE said she is unable to do anything for this project now due to the technical problem.
2014-07-23 1:48 am
re 火柴人



2014-07-23 09:55:51 補充:

因為我見樓上 火柴人話我既wording 太過直譯,

2014-07-22 11:06 pm
感覺上, 太過中文直譯...

如果換著係我個行業, 好少人會咁寫英文.
2014-07-21 6:28 pm

KATE說由於技術問題, 她現階段對這個項目束手無策.

1. KATE says that no action of that project can be taken at present stage because of the technical problems.

2. KATE says that there will be no follow up action taken for the time being about this project because of technical problems.

3. Because of the technical problems, KATE says that she feels simply helpless at present moment about the project.
4. KATE says she is unable to carry with this project at present due to the technical problems.
Note: "Feel simply helpless"==束手無策
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-07-21 4:30 am
Technical reasons=a fault in the engine or other machinery.
Error and corrections in English Grammar:-
(1)Kate said no action could be done for this project due to technical problem.
(2)Kate said there was no (related) action for this project owing to technical resons(=problem)
(3)Owing to technical problem, Kate said that no action could be done for the project.
(4)Kate said that she was unable to do anything for this project owing to technical problem.
(5)"Fault "is a technical term used by Kate for her project delayed problem.

2014-07-24 08:30:51 補充:
(5)Kate---->incapable to proceed for the project(Not with the project) owing(Not due) to tech.problem=Be at your wits' end,worried by a problem that you do not know what to do next=Be terrified out of your wits.
2014-07-21 2:11 am
第二句, there IS no follow-up action

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