Please correct my essay

2014-07-20 11:50 pm
Your school is planning to organize a ‘Parent-child Sports Day’ to promote the benefits of doing sports to parents and students. Your teacher has asked you to write a promotional leaflet of this event for all of parents.

Parents – child Sports Day
Background (date/time/venue/fee/deadline of application)

‘Parents-child Sports Day’ will be held by our school on 25th March, 2014. Admission is free, so please don’t miss this opportunity and join us for a wonderful day. Application forms accepted from 1st March, 2014 to 16th March, 2014. Please drop it into the mailbox at our school office.

Date: 25th March, 2014
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Venue: Our school hall and outdoor playground
In case of rain, the venue is moved to our school small hall and school hall.

Prize: Each participant will receive a wonderful gift after finishing each type of sport.

Aim of event: To promote a healthy relationship between you and your children.
To encourage you and your children to form a good habit of doing sports.

What activities are included

The sports day will provide fun, relaxation and excitement for you and your children - basketball, rope skipping, badminton, dancing, running and so on. For exciting sport types, you and your children can form a team and get involved in the competitions!

‘Parent-child Sports Day’ provides various sorts of sport for you and your children, at least one type of sport you like.

The reason of joining this event

Nowadays, people are always busy with their work or studies, lack of time to do sports. However, doing sports can reduce your stress, gain satisfaction and increasing your job and your child’s study motivation.

回答 (3)

2014-07-21 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
A promotional leaflet:-Parent-child sports day
Aim:-a healthy relation--good habit,competition,or activity
needing physical effort and skill
Activity:-jumping,throwing,running,badminton, basketball, dancing;
Reason:-reduced stress
healthy, social workers there;

A meeting accepts defeat;
All are welcomed.
2014-07-22 7:10 am
Besides, some social workers and teachers will be there giving you suggestions about how you can get along with your family and to make a habit of doing sport.
2014-07-21 11:06 am
All are welcome.
"welcome" ~ used as an adjective

"Children are always welcome at the hotel.
You're welcome." ~ from O.A.L. Dict.

~ not "All are welcomed"

All the parents are warmly welcomed by the headmaster.
"welcomed" - past prticiple.

2014-07-21 03:52:12 補充:
Nowadays, people are always busy with their work or studies, lack of time to do sports.~ 錯
lack of time (lack 是 noun)

People nowadays are always busy with their work or studies, not finding time to do sports.

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