倫敦遊,budget trip,thx

2014-07-20 4:02 am
我準備搭Qatar Airlines,機票連稅來回是9000港紙,而酒店方面則準備頭八天住在easyhotel victoria,最後兩天住St.Giles

Day1 飛Heathrow,果邊12點到-->Easyhotel Victoria-->Buckingham palace-->St.James Park-->Green Park-->hotel
Day2 Houses of parliament-->Victoria Tower-->Westminister Hall-->西敏寺-->Lunch-->Big Ben-->Westminister Bridge-->London eye-->hotel
Day 3 St.Pauls Cathedral-->British museum-->Dickens House-->Lunch-->Covent Garden-->Floral Street-->West End-->hotel
Day 4 Trafalgar square-->National Gallery-->St.Martin in the fields-->lunch-->London tower,tower bridge-->thames river cruise-->hotel
Day 5 Hyde Park-->Royal Albert Hall-->Albert Memorial-->Science Museum-->National History Museum-->hotel
Day 6 Regent's Park-->Madame Tussand's-->lunch-->harrods-->hotel
Day 7 Liberty(Oxford Circus)-->Oxford Street(Oxford Circus)-->Charing Cross Road(Oxford Circus)-->Fortnum and Masum,Piccadily Street(Piccadily circus)-->hotel
Day 8 check out10a.m.-->King's cross station(9 3/4月台)-->paddington station(paddington bear shop)-->st. giles heathrow(Feltham Station)<--這個我想問問,要如何從paddington到這個站
-->漢普頓宮(我也想問這個,要如何從我的酒店到這)-->Windsor Castle(我也想問這個,要如何從漢普頓宮到這)
Day 9 在酒店附近活動
Day 10 Shopping

麻煩有經驗的London travelor了,因為幫我看這個也是費神的。

回答 (2)

2014-07-20 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 先講你既$30,000 夠唔夠用, 我唔知道呢3萬係包哂所有野 (i.e 住, 機票, 食同交通) 定係只係只係去食玩同交通, 因為可以差好遠既, 如果係前者, 就一定唔夠, 如果係後者. 就應該夠. 因為係英國食野係唔平既, 一餐都要~10鎊. 我當你早餐已經包左, 即係你有20餐要係英國食, 加埋至少200 鎊, 而如果你要食好少少 (如steak 等), 一餐就要20 鎊, 加上如果你買水丫, 街頭小食, 我當你要預400鎊.

2) 交通方面, 我見你只係係倫敦入面, 唔出去, 我當你買一張7日既travel card. a即31鎊, 加上最後一日係用day travel即8鎊, 都要40鎊. 當然你可以買oyster, 但要退同麻煩, 如果你搭得多既話, 其實係同oyster 冇分別 (oyster zone 1 一次2鎊幾, 你7日內一定會搭多個15次卦?!)

3) 入場費.我見你都去唔少地方係要俾錢既, 好似london eye 咁上去要30 鎊, st paul 要15鎊, dicken's house 要8鎊.tussand's 要30鎊等. 我估你只係入場同係場入面買佢既紀念品, 要大概150 鎊.

>> 而買野, 因為我唔知你係唔係好鍾意買野果d 人, 如果係的話,我諗你預500 鎊會比較好, 如果係名牌愛好者, 最好帶信用卡, 因為帶咁多錢係身唔安全.

4) 我plan左十天schedule,可以請你們看看,給我一點意見嗎?
>> buckingham palace 如果你遲去應該冇得睇換兵, 最好先睇下個timetable.
>> 你可以去埋westminster abbey, 就係附近.
Day 3
>> floral street 只係得一條行, 入面係買名牌如paul smith, 你可以去covent garden 個market, 咁會好行d, 多d野睇. 推介covent garden 行落少少既five guys burger, 有時間可以去埋china town (leicester square)一個站
Day 4
>> ok, 要注意可能要定cruise ticket 先.
Day 5
>> royal albert hall 好似唔可以就咁入, 要有show 你先可以入去, 所以可能只可以係出面易下相. 如果果一日早完, 你大可以放埋harrods 入去, 因為好近.
Day 6
>> regent park 冇咩野睇, 如果你好鍾意影景既話都ok. 而harrods 應該可以同上面果個combine, 多一日出黎玩.
Day 7
>> ok
Day 8
>> feltham 唔係tube station, 所以要搭火車, 但因為係係tube 既zone 入面, 係可以用travel card 的. 你可以去tfl 既網站度搵到點樣樣去既路線.
-->漢普頓宮(我也想問這個,要如何從我的酒店到這)-->Windsor Castle(我也想問這個,要如何從漢普頓宮到這)
>> 同樣地, 可以係tfl 個網度搵到.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-07-20 10:52 am
Based on your plan, you can barely make it.

However, if you can make some changes, HKD$30,000 or less is possible for London for 10 days.

1. You have to switch your hotel, staying away from London City Centre. This is the only way to significantly reduce your cost as it takes up 1/3 of your budget.

(Extra in transportation will be covered below.)

2. You need a London Pass:


It will save you significant money in admission and transportation cost.

3. You need to re-work your plan based on London Pass (as the Pass only valids for 6 days maximum). So you need to use up the Pass before it expires.

For example, Oxford Circus or the British Museum be postponed to last few days as they are free (transportation cost only).

4. You need to check out the places online before you go. For example, Big Ben (Internal) is not for everyone, as:

a. You need a reservation, which has a waitlist of 9 months;

b. You need a MP or Lord for the reservation;

c. You must be a British citizen or U.K. resident in order to make the reservation.

Otherwise, Big Ben simply a photo opportunity from the outside only.

Work on these and you should be able to do this with less money needed.

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