Is there no evidence for a multiverse?

2014-07-19 12:01 am

回答 (11)

2014-07-20 11:03 am
Evidence -- No , but many leading cosmologists now think it the most likely condition of what we call the "universe".

The theory of Inflation is now well established -- it is the best theory we have about the evolution of the early universe .And that theory demands the earlier existence of a high energy "dark energy" like field, from which the universe as we know it could "condense".
But the issue with this has always been , why did only one universe --ours -- arise out of it . It's rather like a rain cloud only precipitating one droplet of water which grows hugely , rather than many droplets .

Hence , many cosmologists now think the multiverse scenario much more logical -- "our" universe is simply one of many .

2014-07-19 2:34 am
No evidence whatsoever. The proposition is merely theoretical.
參考: My cerebral cortex.
2014-07-19 12:25 am
It's probably going to be able to be tested within the next decade or so. At this point, there is no actual evidence of it being true. The reason that it might be is because laws of physics break down at a quantum level. The idea is that they actually don't break down. If some of these laws can be applied past the quantum level, then there should be mulitverses. For example, the chance that an electron is at a certain point can only be seen as a probability. If this is true, then it should be in every location that it could be at, at one time. So maybe it is, just in different universes. Over time, these would have great effect.
2014-07-19 12:02 am
-Not yet. But Scientists- are looking into it. :)
2014-07-19 12:02 am
Nope, just theory
2014-07-19 8:04 pm
Of course there is. OMG if you don't know ,don't answer, u r misleading others. i don't want to type that much so i will just explain it as easy as i could.(CLICK THE LINK IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND) First of all, you need to know what dark energy is. scientist do the math and find out that the amount of dark energy in OUR UNIVERSE in order to accelerate our universe at the rate we observes is 1x10^-123. that is a very small number, it is billion times smaller that we predict. how can the universe only contain that less amount of the dark energy. the only solution is that we live in a multiverse
FOR MORE DETAIN : start from 25:12
參考: my brain
2014-07-19 12:53 am
No scientific evidence of a multiverse as of right now, a multiverse is likely to exist.
2014-07-19 12:23 am
I think there could well be Multiverses through Black Holes, but that is just my hypothesis.
There also could be many other Universes beyond the boundary of our own.
You decide.
參考: Stay curious.
2014-07-19 12:07 am
No direct evidence. Dark matter in the multiverse theory is supposed to be actual matter in a parallel universe which only effects our universe gravitationally, but that is only one possible explanation.
2014-07-19 10:59 am

Not now, not ever.

A theory? Worse than that Jim, it's BS.


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