Why do I get treated like a baby in my family even thought I'm 16?

2014-07-18 2:51 pm
Hello I'm robin I'm a boy. My older sister who is 23 years old won't add me on Facebook, as she said I'm too young. Also she thinks I'll be a little annoying brat and anoy her, which I've grown out off as I'm 16 now and it's getting a bid ridiculous.she even tells be to go bed and she always seems to ignore my conversations with her by acknowlging me in a fake way and then taking pictures off me wtf! She always seems to mind her language with me as she thinks I'm too little to understand or use the words. My mum won't even let me fly in an aeroplane for an hour to go and see my aunt why? For god sakes I'm only 16 I me trying to take responsibility but they keep throwing it back in my face and treating me like a baby

回答 (5)

2014-07-18 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I sort of feel your pain haha, I'm 15 and I'm always treated like I'm younger than I am, I know 12 and 15 are only a few years apart but they are completely different to us but I don't think adults understand that sometimes. I suppose they don't want you to grow up, we'll never really know until we have kids ourself
2014-07-19 9:50 pm
Maybe they want to trick you into being excited for becoming an adult in 2 years. Sorry, just wait a few years for that.
2014-07-18 11:49 pm
Unfortunately it won't change, even when your a parent yourself and in you 40's. Once a baby of the family, always the baby of the family. Your parents can't help comparing you to your older sibling, it's human nature. You'll have to go get a part time job - on your own - to prove to them, that your mature enough to contribute financially to the household income. Or help around the house.
2014-07-18 9:56 pm
because everyone ages differently... and well guess what... if you act like a child then your parents treat you like one.

On top of this do you help like an adult...or do nothing like a child?
2014-07-18 9:54 pm
Well to be honest you sound like one. I'm not sure I'd want to be friends with my little brother on fb. Some things you just dont want to share. Minding her language is just polite. Swearing is unneccessary. If you want to go and see your aunt that badly then ask your parents why you cant fly alone. I flew to australia on my own when i was 11 its not that big a deal.

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