know 用法

2014-07-19 1:33 am
We have known each other for three years.

回答 (5)

2014-07-19 12:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We have known each other for three years.

It has been three years since we knew each other.

至於用其他的寫法表達同樣的意思, 當然很多, 不過可能不在討論之列:
It was three years ago when we knew each other.
We knew each other three years ago.

2014-07-19 04:50:49 補充:
'Knew' I suppose.

2014-07-20 11:52:01 補充:
Knowledge Poor, you are right. That sentence I made is not appropriate. Thanks for pointing out.

2014-07-20 11:53:49 補充:
感謝意見指正: We knew each other three years ago. 這句不適合. 因為言下之意就是我們現在不認識了. 所以意思剛好顛倒.

2014-07-20 11:54:34 補充:
感謝意見的指正: We knew each other three years ago. 這句是不適合的, 因為這樣說的話, 言下之意就是我們現在不認識了, 意思剛好顛倒.
2014-07-20 5:59 pm
We "knew" each other three years ago?

Then we don't know each other now.
2014-07-19 1:29 pm
...when we came to know each other.
2014-07-19 12:48 pm
know or knew?

2014-07-19 04:52:38 補充:
Yes. Thanks!

2014-07-20 16:40:09 補充:
That's why present perfect tense is appropriate in this occasion.
2014-07-19 5:47 am
It has been 3 years since we know each other.
There has been 3 years from the time we have known each other.
It was 3 years ago when we know each other.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 21:19:10
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