Who coined the expression "Christians are the only army on earth who executes their own wounded?"?

2014-07-18 4:12 am
It's a common expression and sadly true if Christian posts here are any indication. But who said it first and made it famous?

回答 (5)

2014-07-18 4:20 am
It's old and moldy. Google it. BTW, I'm 59 and first heard it when I was a believer in the 70s. I'm now an agnostic atheist.
2014-07-18 4:20 am
It's an old saying.

I suppose that it applies to T.V. preachers and other greedy fundamentalists who take advantage of
elderly and poor people, by taking the few dollars that they have, and using them to live a good
life, rather than finding ways to help the needy.
2014-07-18 4:15 am
That's an expression that's famous? I've never heard it before.
2014-07-18 4:25 am
I had not heard it before. It does not make sense to me, actually.
2014-07-18 4:17 am
I'm 54 years old and I've never heard that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:16:22
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