Pisces men can be VERY hurtful but WHY, I just want to love him.?

2014-07-17 8:31 pm
He lives in Queens, NY and I live in Houston Texas. I think what stuck out to me the most was him opening up and being romantic almost dreamy like. He would send pictures to me saying "this is what our baby will look like". I figured he liked me. Before all of this we fell out and he stopped replying to my texts. I got the picture and backed off assuming he found a girl in NY. Then out of the blue he texts me saying hi which i responded to. I asked him why he disappeared and he said he was being arrogant and was sorry. Of course, me liking him so much I forgave him. I realized Pisces men don't like when they feel threatened even when you're speaking in the softest tone ever which is what I was trying to do. Since we don't live near each other I wanted to talk to him as much as possible and everything was "I'm busy" even at night when I just wanted to hear his voice saying Goodnight. He would make excuses. I called him and asked if we were together and he yelled at me saying not to ask dumb *** questions. I said sorry. He would say things to me saying I was stupid and do you know who you're talking to. I even sent him a lot of messages about wanting to be with him and he replied "you still aren't asleep yet smh". When I saw that I burst into tears and sent him a picture of my face which was red and teary eyed. He said sorry and that he loved me but I knew he meant that and my words meant nothing. It hurt so much. Supposedly we are together but he can be so mean to me :(

I am a LEO, Aquarius moon, and venus in Libra

回答 (6)

2014-07-17 9:06 pm
Pisces men will give you the hot / cold treatment, exactly like that. You cannot "catch" them, they play around with you for a long time until they "submit", if ever. My advice is to treat him exactly how he treats you. Reflect his exact behavior and don't ever be too available. When he tells you he's busy, go away and don't talk to him again until he talks to you first. Do not chase him. Take charge - they like to submit to YOU. But only after it has been clearly established who's in charge.
2014-07-17 9:01 pm
what is your sign please mention it then we will be able to help you.
2014-07-17 8:41 pm
Isaiah 8:19
When they say to you, “Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter,” should not a people consult their God?Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?
2016-03-08 7:36 pm
Ouch. A bomb right to the heart. Yes, you are hurt. And in trying to find your emotional footing, you think that if you can understand why this happened, that you won't hurt anymore. No, not consciously, but this is what we humans try to do. You need to understand that even if you could know the reason (and no one except this Pisces can tell you the actual reason) ... knowing the reason would not make you hurt one bit less. Hurt, mourn, let the pain be there. It will fade for you if you neither try to push it away or try to hang onto it. Why did this happen? Pisces is the romantic ... of course when it's involved with someone, it's the Moon, baby. Yet remember that the glyph (symbol) for Pisces is the two fish swimming in two different directions. And there is no more-different direction for a man in love to take than to suddenly want to be alone. Some Pisces (not all Pisces .... and you would have to see his entire chart to know) are very difficult to form and keep a good relationship with because they change their minds. And it hurts. As you know. The sad thing is that if he changes his mind again, you'll probably take him back. But that would be unwise because it would only be a matter of time before he changed his mind again. I'm not saying never date a Pisces. Just that whatever the major aspects are in his chart (especially those involving his Moon) ... don't date anyone again who has a similar chart! Sorry for your pain hon. Just as a broken bone will hurt and there is nothing you can or should do about it ... you will have to live through this healing process too. I know how much it hurts. Just remember that no information you could get would take away the pain. Your confusion is due to the suddenness and because you didn't see it coming. Info won't take that away, nor will understanding keep you from future broken hearts. The major problem is that if you fixate too much on "what went wrong" it will big-time slow down your healing, and it will take much longer for your pain to diminish. So instead of trying to hang on by looking for info, start the healing by letting go. Wings to your soul, dear.
2014-07-18 1:03 am
Sounds cold to tell someone "I am busy" like that.

Idk what's wrong with him. The next time he contacts you or you see him, just tell him you are busy too.
2014-07-17 9:12 pm
I posted it in my bio just now

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