I'm scared my degree won't get me anywhere.. what should i do?

2014-07-17 7:27 am
I am a mathematics and computer science major


回答 (3)

2014-07-17 7:36 am
Hi, I'm a current college student in my 4th year. I'm an animal science major who recently decided he didn't want to go to vet school. Having that path my four years here, It's pretty daunting to see a whole new world of opportunities open to me. I would suggest you don't listen to anyone's advice on here and instead get a book called: "What Color is Your Parachute?." They made us buy it first year of my college and it's proved invaluable to me at this moment of crisis. It's a book for people like you and I. It is only 10 bucks and worth it because of the life skills it will teach you. The book considers job-hunting/career-hunting the new "survival skill" humans need in this day and age. I have the 2012 edition, but get the newest one. It will change your life...only for 10 bucks.

I'm only a quarter way in the book and for your case I would say, using what I learned, don't label yourself. Just because you are a math and comp sci major, don't call yourself a "math and comp sci major." This already limits you to what is out there. Try to refer to yourself by your skill sets and strengths. To yourself and others. This will open up many more opportunities.

If it helps any, I know so many people who majored in one degree and their career is COMPLETELY different and they love their life. The job market will always be tough and competitive. The book I'm reading says its not enough anymore to just search for jobs online and submit resumes- that's what you do in the best case scenario. In scenarios with high unemployment, recession, etc. you need to do other things to find the career'/job you desire. Honestly, it sounds like I'm selling the book to you, but I don't mean to. It's just that it has a lot of great points that can be better said by me or anyone else online. I really suggest you buy it or rent it (an older version most likely) from your public library. It will give you hope, tools, and a new mindset...and you will not be scared anymore. Good luck!
2017-02-10 8:28 am
參考: Learning Photography Today http://PhotographyMasterclass.enle.info/?cet4
2014-07-17 7:36 am
I'm planning to major in computer science also, don't scare me like that.

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