any place vs anyplace

2014-07-17 7:43 am
幾時用any place??
anyplace同any place 有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2014-07-17 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
主要分別: anyplace 係副詞,any place 係(量化的)名詞

"anyplace" (adverb) is North American English, equivalent to "anywhere".

1. 無論何處﹐隨便哪裡
e.g. An accident can happen anyplace.

2. 某個地方; 任何地方〔都不〕(used in negative sentences and in questions instead of somewhere)
e.g. Did you go anyplace interesting?

"any place" (noun) "determiner+noun"

1. 任何(一個)地方; 無論哪處
e.g. An accident can happen at any place.
e.g. Any place can be dangerous.
e.g. I don't mind finishing at any place of the competition.

2. 一點﹐一些﹐少許
e.g. Have you saved me any place in the concert? (seat)
e.g. Are there any places left on the ESL course? (opportunity at school)
2014-07-17 7:58 am

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