[英文 ]請幫忙分析以下英文句子(S. V. O.....)

2014-07-16 10:05 pm
請問以下句子分析成用五大句型是如何 (我睇得明但分析吾到,緊網上教學片有出入).

S+V+ I.O+ D.O

There are many dangerous and ineffective gimmicks about how to lose belly fat.
( S ) (V) (O) (介詞子句屬"SC??OC??補語)

studies show that eating breakfast within an hour of waking up keeps your insulin
(S) (V) (O) (O.C??) ( 介詞片語表現時間?? ) (????

levels steadier and your LDL cholesterol levels lower.
???? )

3.Keeping your knees bend, sit up slightly. This is the inhale position.
( Keeping.. 是一個命令式嗎? ) (S) (V) (O)" 點解有個動詞inhale "??


回答 (4)

2014-07-17 8:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) "There are ..." is a there-cleft sentence construction. (S) (V) (SC)

S: Many dangerous and ineffective gimmicks
V: are (linking verb)
SC: about how to lose belly fat ( 介詞子句屬"SC"補語) = predicative adjectival phrase

(2) "Studies show what?" (S) (V) (O)

S: Studies
V: show
O: that eating breakfast ..... (noun clause) as the object of verb "show".

Within the noun clause:
S: eating breakfast within an hour of waking up
V: keeps (takes the following as compound object)
O: your insulin levels
OC: steadier
and (conjunction)
O: your LDL cholesterol levels (objective of verb "keeps")
OC: lower

介詞片語 "within an hour of waking up"
is an abverbial phrase (telling the time) modifying the gerund "eating"

(3) "Keeping your knees bend, sit up slightly."
The sentence is not correct in grammar.
Keep your knees bend and sit up slightly.

Keep ... 是一個命令式 (imperative mood).

"This is the inhale position."
The sentence is not correct in grammar.
This is the position for inhaling.
This is the position to inhale.

2014-07-17 00:17:02 補充:
Typo: O: your LDL cholesterol levels (object of verb "keeps")

2014-07-17 00:29:36 補充:
(3) The sentence can also be corrected as:

Sit up slightly while keeping your knees bend.

Subject is "You" in an imperative mood.

2014-07-17 11:23:22 補充:
I think it is more appropriate, except for some technical terms like "drop shot", to use the present participle (adjectival) of a verb to form the first component of a "verb+noun" compound noun.

e.g. swimming pool, washing machine.

inhaling position or inhale position ??

2014-07-17 11:49:49 補充:
複合名詞 "drop shot", "drop cloth", "fly half" 在字典中可以查到。 But, never can you find the word "swim pool" or "wash machine".

"swimming pool" stands for the pool for swimming.
So, "inhaling position" should stand for the position for inhaling.

2014-07-17 12:01:30 補充:
Godfrey 說得對,我搞錯了。句子是 existential-there sentence

There is an apple on the table.

= An apple is on the table.
2014-07-18 7:52 am
- 不要把英語看作數學般看待,你提出的rules只是框架,你或已被它們弄得不太明日了吧
- 英語主要以實用為主,當你可掌握表達所想意思,可以再深入去改良語法

我不知道你讀書班級,很難在這給更詳細的見議,drop me a line if you want more comment ([email protected])
2014-07-17 7:18 pm
謝謝解答 ^^, 原來是複合名詞!!@@ inhale position

{“there” 是 expletive. 句子稱 existential-there sentence }
第一次聽到@__@" 有點難消化......

2014-07-17 11:20:52 補充:


“there” 是 expletive. 句子稱 existential-there sentence

2014-07-21 11:35:38 補充:
,^^ 我上網再查了相關,明白多左好多謝謝
2014-07-17 3:39 pm
inhale position

兩個分開字構成可以是 compound noun ( verb + noun)
drop shot = 網前球﹐短球
drop cloth = 罩單﹐罩布
fly half = 外側前衞 (rugby)


2014-07-17 10:14:38 補充:
“there” 是 expletive. 句子稱 existential-there sentence
Textbooks 稱 there 做 dummy/empty subject .
在 linguistics上, there 稱 grammatical subject
Th noun (subject) that follows the verb 稱 logical subject

The two major types of cleft constructions in English are it-clefts and wh-clefts.
少用 there-cleft

2014-07-18 01:23:26 補充:
同意 Julie
compound nouns 其中一類 多是 verb-ing + noun
flying saucer, running shoes, sitting room... etc.

使用 base form of a verb 很少, 並且是 special term

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