很害怕無良業主克扣租樓按金 , 點算好? 請幫忙

2014-07-16 6:16 pm
時常聽到無良業主扣租樓按金 , 我已經打算最後兩個月住埋D按金就走 , 保障下自己 , 點知過了大約二+日 , 業主死都要我交祖 , 仲出動土地審栽處 , 話要收樓 , 張照信件係大門 , 點算好? 真的比回租金定點好 ? 同交樓有甚麼須要注意 ? 我好驚我的按金被無良業主克扣 , 請眾高手比D意見 , 幫幫忙

回答 (3)

2014-07-16 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Unfortunately, the landlord is legally correct for his/her actions. You will lose in the Land Tribunal if this goes to trial.

Unless you have made prior arrangements with the landlord, security deposit always remains as security deposit. In other word, the rationale of "using the deposit in lien of rent" does not work in the court, unless the landlord explicitly agrees (in writing).

If you have a problem with the security deposit returned by the landlord, you can initiate a legal proceeding against the landlord. But this is not the way to resolve the security deposit.

What you should really do is talk to the landlord back and see what does he/she want in order for the case to go away. Otherwise, you will lose more than just the deposit (as the landlord can go all the way after you).

By the way, your landlord is not a "無良業主". As a fact, you are the "無良租客".
2014-07-17 12:58 am


2014-07-16 17:00:46 補充:
2014-07-16 7:36 pm

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