
2014-07-16 5:57 pm
Q2:佢搬走左理應應該自己CUT左個AUTO PAY。咁如果真係發現佢幫緊第二手業主係呢4年交緊管理費(我諗都應係有9萬),佢有咩途徑可以追討返第二手業主?<呢個係我想比個建議佢

回答 (5)

2014-07-16 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Is there a question?

2. None - the issue is it was not the fault of the new owner, but the property management (your company).

The property management should have been notified 4 years ago regarding the transfer. In this case, the property management has a duty to make sure that the management fee is collected properly (like prior arrangement has been canceled and new arrangement has been set).

Also - although this incident is related to the transfer, it is caused by the transfer. In conclusion, the property management will be liable for negligence.

3. You should make this incident into 2 separate issues:

a. Previous owner was charged by mistake.

b. Current owner has failed to pay for management fee for 4 years.

Once you have verified the fact, your company should contact the owners separately based on the issues above and proceed accordingly (refund and collection).

Also - please report to your company's legal department as well (as this can lead to possible lawsuits).

One side note - it is hard to believe the current owner failed to address the issue for 4 years:

- Like other utilities (water, electricity, etc.), not receiving the bill does not mean you don't have to pay.

- It is hard to believe that there is no increase in management fee for 4 years. Hence, the current owner should have received notices regarding management fee. In other word, the current owner knew the mistakes for a long time.

2014-07-23 13:33:50 補充:
Alfred Yiu:

In common sense, you may be right, but definitely not legally.

Regardless if the amount has applied towards the payment of management fee or not, the property management has mistakenly collected money from the previous owner. So the property management is definitely on the hook.

2014-07-23 13:35:20 補充:
However, if the property management tells the owners to take care of their own problems, this will be the beginning of a nightmare, as both owners can sue back the management.

Keeping both sides separated will definitely help to settle this issue. Putting them together will make a big case.

2014-07-23 13:40:36 補充:

In term of the stealing issue, this will never make a case.

1. The current owner did not steal from the previous owner. The property management "did'.

2. The only liability that the current owner has is fail to pay the fee, which is a civil matter.

Stealing is a overstatement.

2014-07-24 15:28:15 補充:

1. I never said either owners can't sue on their own. It is about damage mitigation.

In this case, the management has made 2 major mistakes. If both owners team up together, it will be potentially a great damage to the management.

2014-07-24 15:37:20 補充:
However, if the problem is separated, the damage can be controlled (Remember - the current owner has a very weak case in this case because he/she has the duty to pay).

2014-07-24 15:39:23 補充:
2. It is not stealing. End of story.

Based on what you have mentioned, the key of Section 18 is not subpart 1, but 2 - the definition of pecuniary advantage (金錢利益). None of Section 18(2) definition meets this case.

2014-07-24 15:42:28 補充:
How about other provision from the same Chapter? I concede that the current owner was dishonest, which make this a potential theft case. However, the current owner has not appropriated the money. At the least, the management thought the current owner was the one paying. Simply - not enough evidence.
2014-07-23 8:19 pm




2014-07-23 12:20:31 補充:

2014-07-23 12:21:05 補充:

按《盜竊罪條例》第 18 條「以欺騙手段取得金錢利益」指出,任何人不誠實地為自己取得任何金錢利益,即屬犯罪!如經公訴罪成最高刑罰是監禁十年兼留案底!
不誠實的定義是 ,第一:以一個誠實普通人的合理常識標準,會覺得該行為是不誠實的!第二:被指控違法的人本身是知道及明白該一般的常識標準的!

2014-07-23 12:21:24 補充:

2014-07-24 12:13:57 補充:
Gary 網友,你好!多謝你的意見!

在下對於你向 Alfred 網友發表的意見,並不認同!




2014-07-24 12:15:11 補充:


2014-07-24 12:16:40 補充:
另如 Alfred 網友所言,管理公司收費後會發回收據(通常是放回單位信箱之內),那新業主幾年間未有付款卻收到已繳費收據,能說自己不知情?不知道出了問題導致無需承擔支付管理費的責任嗎?那他明知故犯卻不出面說明糾正,繼續享用舊業主和管理公司的失誤所帶來的金錢利益,還不算欺詐盜竊!


2014-07-25 11:43:55 補充:
2014-07-17 12:50 am
2014-07-16 11:06 pm


2014-07-16 7:14 pm

2. 管理公司收到管理費後,發出收據,那獲發收據的新業主明知自己冇交費,但獲發收據亦應當早已加以善後;
3. 所以呢個問題明顯涉及新舊業主的人為錯誤....佢地應該自行解決....所以舊業主應該自行向新業主追討。

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