anybody else think the conservative bible-thumpers need to reread the bible?

2014-07-16 5:56 am
i'll admit its been awhile since I read it and that I am a bit of an agnostic but didn't jesus walk around trying to teach love and caring for less fortunate people instead of rich hate mongers that the conservatives love kissing the asses of?

回答 (14)

2014-07-16 6:02 am
It's not about religion, it's about what they want the world to be like.
As far as giving impoverished people fishing poles, it would be interesting to know just what it is that conservatives are doing that's analogous to that.
2014-07-16 6:10 am
That's not their trouble. What they really need is six months outside the USA, almost anywhere else, and not in a hotel. Might wake their ideas up a little.
2014-07-16 6:03 am
Yes - all of them. When you really read the bible you will see it is full of the most horrific brutality mankind can imagine. It is cruel and wicked mythology at it's worst.
2014-07-16 5:58 am
or just read it in the first place
2014-07-16 5:57 am
Assuming they have read it yes
2014-07-16 6:03 am
Jesus preached to anyone who would listen, God is not partial and he was the same. It does not matter what race,or background, rich or poor. The Kingdom message is for everyone. Matthew 24:14
2014-07-16 6:01 am
The parable of the talents.........?

That's right you do not read.........The Bible.
2014-07-16 6:18 am
I dont know what a bible thumper is but I know that the bible does not discuss conservative, liberal, democrat or republican. God is no respector of persons, even the jews that he loves. He spoke of love for everyone and for all even the prostitute and the homeless. Unfortunately the rich are changing certain things such as getting rid of the dollar and instituting a coin. Also everyone will be convinced to get the mark of the beast. This is a chip that will be implanted in your arm or forehead and no man can buy or sell without it. It is starting already. It is a small chip that has been implanted in a few. I will not get one, nor will my children. Obama has no power over this so this will probably start after he leaves office. The idea is to get rid of the middle class so either you are very poor or filthy rich. He will be out of office soon and you'll see how messed up the U.S. will really get.
2014-07-16 6:13 am
All you are doing is showing your total ignorance of politics and religion.
Newsflash, you can be very charitable and not believe that gvt compelled entitlement programs work or benefit society.
Newsflash, Jesus never promoted any kind of specific gvt system.
2014-07-16 5:58 am
Jesus did miraculously heal His people who came to Him. If some are going wrong...they are in big trouble with God. That's what this is about...judgement. Clean up. Hypocrites exposed, wolves seen!

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