
2014-07-15 8:27 am
Rules Girl Tip- What if tonight or at the end of your first or second date, after kissing passionately, (which you're really not supposed to do on first date!) but hey, so what if he asks if he can see you tomorrow? Summon up your sweetest voice and say "I'm sorry, I already have plans!" -E


回答 (1)

2014-07-15 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
法則: 女生秘訣── 今夜,或妳的首、二次約會結束,熱吻之後(其實首次約會不該熱吻),他問妳明天是否可以再見? 發出妳甜得不能再甜的聲音,說:「對不起喲,我另有約了。」

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